Time Тravel

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

Due to the war, Ukraine's economy has virtually stalled. This has its consequences. For example, in my company, many employees were sent to stay at home. It so happened that out of the whole department, only I remained at work.

Yesterday an employee called me and asked me to go to the corporate library to water the pots. My first thought: "Incredibly, we have a library!" 🙄

I have been working for the company for 15 years and still did not know about the existence of the library. No wonder, because the Internet destroyed books. When I do some calculations, it's much more convenient for me to find a formula on the Internet than flipping through the pages of numerous books.

During the lunch break, I decided to go to the library with real interest. I didn't even think I would be in the past. Admit it, which of you has been to the library in the last few years?

The first thing that met me in the library was an ancient Google:


Searching among a large number of books is a difficult and very long task. In order to simplify the quality of it, the following indexing was invented. In these drawers are cards with a list of books in alphabetical order.


The problem is that you need to know the exact title of the book and its author in order to use this Google. If you want to find some information, but do not know in which book, you will have to spend a lot of time in the library and search almost at random.

Let's go a little further:


The newest literature was located on tables and separate shelves.

Next are numerous shelves with hundreds of books:



It's just incredible how much human knowledge is in this room. There is mostly technical literature in various fields. Most books are devoted to chemistry and chemical technological processes. But there are even books that have made people familiar with computers:


I wonder how many people have used these books in the past. There are thousands of them:



Now it is deserted and quiet. The books are very old, covered in dust. It seems that I am really in the past, without modern technology. I decided to share these impressions with you. I hope you found it interesting too.

 2 years ago 

Admit it, which of you has been to the library in the last few years?

We still visit the library quite frequently - there’s one in Eastbourne town centre which has a great selection of children’s books and little cubby holes that the-toddler-gorilla can sit in. If it weren’t for the-toddler-gorilla though, I probably wouldn’t have stepped inside one (other than to use the toilet) since I finished my MBA (3 years ago).

I love just browsing though - like you would in a bookshop or through your CD collection (if you still have one) - not knowing what you’re looking for until you find it.

 2 years ago 

By the way, you are right. We also have a library in the city, so to speak, more modern. There are various events, it is computerized, there are even some educational films shown. It is well attended, but designed for students. If there was entertainment for small children, maybe we would go there too :)

CD collection (if you still have one)

My CDs are no longer readable. Either they were low-quality fakes, or I didn't know how to deal with them.

Yeah its correct internet has killed many things and book reading is one of it. To be honest I visit library of my university but not for reading book but for sitting and relaxing

 2 years ago 

I visit library of my university but not for reading book but for sitting and relaxing

Haha, it's ingenious. The library is always quiet and peaceful.

Я! Я ходжу до бібліотеки і записала свого батька та малого. У нас дві бібліотеки, дитяча та доросла. Я найчастіший гість у них. Нехай будуть старі книги, але в них мільйон історій, а це зовсім інше життя. Зараз цікавлюся зарубіжною літературою, а сину влітку брала всі казки, так як у школах казки не вчать, все современне, Получається діти зовсім казок не знають... Я йому брала на літо цілу стопку книжок із картинками. Малий тепер ознайомлений із усіма казками. Я постаралася)). Днями знову були в дитячій бібліотеці. А у дорослій я була взимку, набрала багато книг, досі не дочитаю. ))

 2 years ago 

Ви неймовірний молодець. Тепер більшість людей залипли в ґаджетах і не читають книжок. А абсолютна більшість інформації з інтернету - це суцільне сміття, лише для того яби похихотіти або сказати: "О, дивись, що витворяє".

На щастя мені вдалося зацікавити дитину книжками. Я їй накупляв багато дитячих гарно ілюстрованих книжок. Вона любить їх гортати. Зараз вона закінчує перший клас. Але в нас все навпаки, протягом першого класу діти вчилися читати, читаючи казки. Спочатку українські народні, потім казки Андерсане, братів Грімм і Шарля Перро.

You go there more often now, not just to water the flowers...?

Maybe you have a keyword index there; then the search would be easier even without book title or author name...

 2 years ago 

In fact, while browsing the library, I found a whole section with books that I really need for work. And such information is extremely difficult to find on the Internet in free access. The only downside is that these books are old.

Five books are already in my office :) However, there are doubts that I will continue to work in the field of chemistry. The plants have been shut down and the prospects for their launch are not yet visible. Maybe I'll have to learn something new, it's always interesting :)

Oh. I didn't think about this alternative. May be it's a chance!

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Internet has nothing to do with your lack of knowledge about a library. Strange you didn't know it as you started the job.
What we read in books, from paper the mind remembers better than what we read on a screen.
Enjoy this richdom. I hope the books and the skill of reading still exist in the future.

 2 years ago 

Still, I can find information on the Internet in seconds, while in books you need to dig much longer. Therefore, the Internet has an impact on the use of books.

If we talk about fiction, it is much more convenient for me to read ordinary books. As for the technical literature, there is more information on the Internet now.

Despite everything, I already have 5 books from the library in my office, which I really need in my work :)

Can be there's more info on the internet but there's a lot of fake news too and old news. You need to search for a very long time and read many articles to find the truth or what is the latest news, invention.
I don't believe I ever read SF but at times I do watch SF films but it feels as if the SF in films are no longer SF. We live in that world, perhaps they prepared us for it?
No time machine yet, although.

Great you found some books for your work. Good luck with everything.

 2 years ago 

Congratulations my friend, your interesting post has been upvoted by @petface, who is on the hunt for unique, quality content here in the WORLD OF XPILAR.

 2 years ago (edited)

Знайомі шюхляди. Точніше як на моїй роботі

 2 years ago 

То ви бібліотекар? Як це чудово. Я відношуся до тих заучок, що завжди любили бібліотеки.

Well, I think nowadays libraries are useful for fiction books. And non-fiction, science books should be electronic.

which of you has been to the library in the last few years?

me, me! and often :) but we organize some poetry events there, not reading books.
actually, I always tried to support book publishers and bought a lot of book. and going to library means to read free of change. that's I didn't practice that.

 2 years ago 

I also like to buy books. I love the process of choosing them, staying in the bookstore. However, lately I buy less and less books :(

Do you publish your own books?

You reminded me that my daughter was surprised when I told her that the city had a free library, did she really tell me, does it exist? I felt sorry for not showing her what you did, even my daughter enjoys reading, actually she does it more than I expected, I like that she does it, but this is due to technology we replace the good art and thoughts of a writing with a machine, well you know it exists, maybe you'll find a book of your interest!


 2 years ago 

I still love books. I love the smell of a brand new book. But unfortunately now I rarely read books, since I discovered Steemit, there is no time left to read books.

When it comes to fiction, I don't think any e-book, computer or phone can replace a book. The book is the most convenient to read.

Glad your daughter reads a lot. This is very important for personality development. She's great, support her in this.

Why lie to you when I immerse myself in steemit I felt ignorant, do you know why? for not reading, not having enough intellect to respond, I resume my readings, not so often, it is lying that I do it daily, but I try, here it is not just taking a picture and that's it, you should know what you are reading and how to respond, My daughter surprised me with a 13-year-old girl asking me for a book as a gift for her birthday. It was wonderful for me!


 2 years ago 

I try not to comment on topics in which I do not understand anything :) No one can know everything. It's great that you love to read and call something new. You invest in yourself. The child loves to read because she sees the example of the mother.

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