SEC S8 W1: What is the value of life?

in Colombia-Original2 years ago

It is difficult to pass by a contest in which such an important, complex and debatable question is raised. Thanks @weisser-rabe for inviting me to share my opinion.

My attitude towards the death penalty

Without further ado, I will say that I am categorically against the existence of the death penalty. Each person is given only one life and it cannot be renewed. Therefore, it is extremely valuable, priceless.

Who can determine whether it is necessary to take this person's life? Court, you say. This is where the problems begin. There are very few countries with a developed independent judicial system. I live in Ukraine and we have come a long way in reforming the courts and, unfortunately, our results are still insignificant. There are many countries in the world that can sentence a person to death by mistake or by bribery. In my opinion, even one killing of an innocent person is an irreparable loss. What will you do when it turns out that you killed an innocent person? You will say: oh?

Suppose we are talking about a serial killer whose guilt is undeniable. Should he be given the death penalty? I still think not. To let this bastard get away so easily? In my opinion, it is better to keep him in prison for life, deprived of his freedom. In any case, he will be doomed to live with himself, with his thoughts, with his memories.

Killing is born of fear. A person kills because he is afraid. The robber kills the owner of the house because he is afraid that he will report him to the police. A soldier kills an unarmed resident of an occupied city because he is afraid that he will reveal his location to his army. Homicide at the domestic level occurs because of the fear that in the future the person killed might do something similar to the person who killed. Society kills criminals because it fears their presence within itself. The state kills political prisoners because it is afraid of a coup. This list can be continued indefinitely.

In order to solve difficult issues, courage is needed. Are we brave enough to abolish the death penalty?

Supporters of the death penalty give other arguments. For example, a criminal has done a lot of bad things, and we taxpayers feed and clothe him while he serves a life sentence. First, in prison, a prisoner must work and earn food, clothing and a small salary with his work. Secondly, I am ready to pay for the evolution of the humanity of society, I am ready to pay for the fact that due to the absence of the death penalty, at least one person will not be killed by mistake.

The death penalty in Ukraine

My country again became independent from Russia in 1991. In the first years of its existence, it inherited the legislation of the Soviet Union, which it immediately undertook to change. In 1995, a moratorium on the use of the death penalty was concluded. However, it was canceled a few months later due to the fact that it was passed in violation of the procedure. In 1997, the moratorium was adopted again. And in 1999, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine ruled that the death penalty violates the Constitution of Ukraine, which guarantees every person the right to life. This decision finally abolished the death penalty in my country and it was never used again.

I am very glad that my country got rid of this disgraceful punishment that has nothing to do with humanity, and I hope that it will never be brought back.

The last death penalty in Ukraine

During the entire period of existence of the death penalty in Ukraine, it was applied 612 times. The last time the famous serial killer Anatoly Timofeev was executed. He was found guilty of at least 13 crimes. He killed pensioners for the purpose of robbery. Sometimes the price of a human life was completely ridiculous and was measured only by a bottle of alcohol.

Why did people decide they had the right to take away what they didn't give?

It's probably too late, but I would invite @antorv and @digi-me to give their opinion on this matter.


I am very happy to read just that! Thank you for taking the time.... ;-))

Ich bin sehr froh, genau das zu lesen! Danke, daß Du Dir die Zeit genommen hast... ;-))

This is a very interesting topic :)

Thank you for sharing your thoughtful and well-articulated perspective on the death penalty. I completely agree with your stance that every life is valuable and cannot be renewed, and that there are significant concerns about the judicial system's ability to accurately determine guilt in all cases. It is indeed a tragic loss when an innocent person is executed, and the potential for such mistakes is too great to justify the death penalty.

Your point about the role of fear in driving people to kill is also very insightful. It is essential to approach difficult issues with courage, as you suggest, and to consider alternative solutions to addressing criminal behavior.

It is heartening to hear that Ukraine has abolished the death penalty, and I share your hope that it will never be reinstated. Thank you again for sharing your perspective on this critical issue.

Nice to find a like-minded person :) Thanks for reading my post.

 2 years ago 

Hola @o1eh, cada opinión es respetada me parece muy bien como has expresado tú opinión con mucha firmeza sobre este tema tan controversial como lo es la pena de muerte.

Te recomiendo justificar los textos para que tú contenido se vea mejor.

Saludos y suerte

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