NSFW SEGREGATION PARTY! [this is sfw so u can alll read it!]

in #community7 years ago (edited)

So today has been....hard.
I'm starting to feel like maybe I don't fit on steemit like I thought I did...

My Snapshot_3087.jpg

It turns out trying to promote a show that is both adult and about news/politics...is super hard here.

Many discord channels won't even let me post on their channel..even if I don't promote NSFW
Even if my thumbnail is censored [they all are now cooss...ugh]

So...today I'm frustrated.

Just had a group that already ousted me from their upvote bot [no NSFW] even though I used the upvote bot for SFW posts, oust me from ANOTHER part of their channel [the one for truth seekers and news] due to my NSFW ness...

The only real place to post NSFW stuff is steemit.chat
and Whaleshares NSFW

My Snapshot_3086.jpg

Anywhere else, I am at risk of being kicked off the server or at least having my ability to post at all taken away.

The communities available FOR NSFW users...are all focused on the spammy porn posts from what I can see.
You know the ones that are stolen content that isn't sourced at all?
I hardly feel that the people who steal porn and make $ off it on steemit are my community...

So, who's my community?
And where is the community for those of us who are the actual adult workers who make the porn?

I feel like maybe steemit is giving up on us because they expect vice.token to take over.
But it leaves me in limbo until that time.....

My Snapshot_3089.jpg

There will be no Political Porno tonight as I am bummed out and full of sighs.
I might hop on @dlive to just hang but I dunno.

I even feel out of place on there now too.
Since I'm not a gamer [which is so far what everyone else is..it's cool I get it it's like a twitch clone and the people who want to do talk shows aren't there yet..but I worry when they do get there they too will not be welcoming to me because..NSFW.]

And I'm just generally..very meh.
I guess a whole week of this finally got to me.

kicks dirt


and even more censorship! i posted this in our off-topic chat in Discord, and it was deleted! lol. not safe for work enough, i guess...

It's not just frustrating for you, it's frustrating for your fans as well. Maybe it's a business opportunity? Promotional tools for NSFW steemians?
I donno.
Glad you are taking a moment to step back and recoup. Between this news and the crypto market in general today, it's been rough. Go right on ahead and be in the bleah. Hopefully you find your spark and keep it up, but that's just us being selfish because we love what you do. I think vice.token will have the same issues as PH or CB.
If you ever do move to somewhere else, I'll be there. I'm sure there are several of us that will happily follow wherever you go.

do you have any tools in mind? i've been trying to figure out ways to improve things.

I also really like your comment that the image could be hidden, by wtf can I not even see the words? How are people even supposed to know how amazing Political Porno is if they just lump it in with all NSFW?

I wish I was that smart. Closest I've gotten: The blockchain itself is public and not really controlled right? The segmentation shit is only on the interface side, I think. Could there be an anarcho-steem site with different filtering stuff, but all the same (or better) functionality?

I hadn't played with busy.org's interface until just now (I'm writing this comment from there). It's not bad. I might spend some more time over here. https://busy.org/@o0pepper0o

Isnt it amazing that you can have tens of thousands of people watching porn at any given time and yet you arent valued as a competitor on the topics in which you speak on by the steemit communities? I dont watch porn as a golden rule, but i watch you. Its fun and even though i, as it should be, dont agree with everything you say i enjoy your show and it provokes thought without being offensive. You are who you are and the world looks down upon sexuality, but only on the face of it. The real truth is people are generally embarrassed by their sexual tendancies because the world teaches us that our beautiful sexual parts are private and naughty. I dont know how you get around this. I can tell you Dr. Ruth was risky in her day and looked down upon and discriminated against, but eventually she was welcomed with legitimacy and people valued her thoughts. You are the Dr. Ruth now except politically speaking. Hard work and dedication as you have done so far and it will work out. You are the one at the helm of the noah ark of a new community that will build out of that hard work. You are a pioneer. Dont leave us pepper. Keep steadfast and your eyes focussed on the prize.

If this cheers you up I'm not naked on my videos and I have to use NSFW because I swear a lot in my videos for comedic purpose while screaming and there are special snowflakes who will flag my posts if I won't add NSFW tag.
So #NotAll users in NSFW are spammy stolen porn posts :P
There is also a sarcastic dick - no pun intended - who scream and swear a lot while being informative and funny :)

I see sooo many posts that get paid out soovgood where the title is like "FUCK ASS FUCK PISS JERKOFF DEAD" and its not NSFW flagged and no one gives AF!! I'm really sad to hear you're being basically picked on for swearing. wtf....

Yeah, flaging for swearing. Would you believe it? I'm almost sure this is how polish social media look like. And on YT there are "pato streams" where people drink alcohol, fight and do dangerous things. And they can do it cuz noone blocks them...

But hey, don't worry! You have got your fans, keep doing what you do. I think everything is going to be ok! Cheer up

cheer up @o0pepper0o!!! Lot's of people LOVE what you do here, Keep plugging away (pun intended lol)

Do not give up! I find your concept refreshing. This platform is evolving and if they do not make room for you make room for yourself. If dtube was able to invent itself why not create your own adult decentralised platform and link it to steem. Never let others rob you of your light! If you are happy with the content you are making then screw the rest of the world. People who are different will always sit between the chairs but they are also the ones who create a path for other misfit toys to follow. Hang in there kiddo you can do this!

thanks dude <3
I'm not..giving up I don't think.. I'm very stubborn
I just hate the lack of overall progress for NSFW users in the over 6 months I've been rockin steemit....
I feel so much pressure to just wear clothes and be a cute flirty girl who would never show off bobbies cos self respect or some shit! ><
[which to me would feel like the ultimate poser play lol]

Self respect does not come from lack of cloths or not it comes from being authentic. being the flirty plastic girl would eat your soul so don't do it. Some times we all ask ourself if we would not be happier if we conformed to the expectations around us, but in the end if we venture int it it becomes very clear that it is not life at all and the people we meet in the mask love the projection. That kind of love makes us hollow and hurts even more then being alone. Keep doing your thing and think about what I said about creating an adult platform because it could be the next big thing in porn ;)

I kinda got the same impression overall, it's disappointing considering the potential there is in decentralized networks of cam and porn content

makes sense. I understand the mehh feeling. I enjoyed your talks when i could tune in, genuinely.

Things will look up eventually. :)

That sucks... people shouldnt outcast you even if you use the NSFW tag... people know what they are getting themselves into when they click any NSFW post.

Cheer up! Just keep posting away! There are other people who post NSFW stuff and they dont get any negative stuff on their post... People just cant handle a gals bod i guess....

eh just...disappointing. i mean i thought this was crypto-anarchy haven central....but like not if you get naked?! ><

yes man. the site is all about anti-censorship... but porn is still censored.

"won't someone PLEASE think of the children?!?!!!"

MANY social platforms have used porn to build themselves up, and then all of sudden it's, "we have 35 million subscribers, and many of them children. i'm sorry. your content isn't welcome anymore. not in its current state, at least. here are our new child-safe community guidelines."

there needs to be more serious talks about this... with people from the actual community. i.e. us.

can we at least have a blanket NSFW thumbnail, so that the text is exposed without having to click it? having 'click to reveal' makes it a gamble... you could be clicking to open some cool new Political Porno thing... or extreme anal-fisting. there's really no telling from the outside. and it's not like people don't use NSFW terms outside of NSFW posts. "donald trump is a shit-licking whore" etc.

also, segregating it at all - gives the hypothetical children we must protect - a place to look. just type in nsfw in the search bar, and fap away little johnny. i think it would be way classier if you were just reading an article, and there was a random tit in it. like, "oh, a tit." segregating and romanticizing the images makes pornography something to masturbate to, and therefore something to be innately ashamed of. you know, for some people.

Crypto-anarchy will never work because it's always beneficial to group with people who share the same values. If everyone hates censorship and makes group to stop people from censoring other people. Then the people who are stopping censorship are no hypocrites lol. If people don't see value in your posts because you are flashing your tits for views and they don't want you in their service they have a right to stop you. I'm playing devils advocate here it always gets me in trouble haha. While some people do enjoy your tits and political talks some people hate it. You can't ask people to view you the way you want to be viewed. If these services want certain image with no NSFW content who are you to tell them no.

..oh im not asking people to view me the way i want to be viewed. I'm more bitching about the lack of a NSFW community in any way on this site even tho i KNOW people like it and would perhaps love it if they could actually FIND me [and other original content NSFW users] in the sea of equally censored NSFW posts [where, you have no idea if you're clicking cute Political Porno time or Anal Fisting Bad Boy Time until you click to reveal! What fresh hell is this?!?!? xD] Just annoying that here of all places would not only censor NSFW so heavily but also disclude me from communities. After all, disclusion wasn't due to hate.. I have had admins tell me "i love your show...but we cant promo NSFW sorry..." its not even an "YOU'RE AN ABOMINATION GET OUT!!" so far it's been all "you're so good and undervalued here...but alas you cannot post here, or use this upvote bot etc etc even tho we all love you..." suuupppeerr annoying.
Also also, trying to censor for this "save the children" idea on steemit is madness since....now all the children know how to find all the porn cos we group it for them.. [over here kiddies to the NSFW posts you can reveal with the click of a button..won't know what you get until you do kiddo! enjoy!] and we don;t have anything like age verification to prevent children from clicking to reveal NSFW anyways soooooo it seems excessive with its lack of actual ability to protect any childrens [shrug]
And if its just for people at work who don't want their bosses flipping...then if anything you'd think they would WANT to see the titles of the NSFW posts so they know what to avoid....boss will prob be less freaked out by Political Porno or a tasteful softcore post from an original content creator vs Anal Fisting after all.....

Exactly this! It's more like virtue signaling than actually doing any good. It messes some things up, helps nothing, but projects the image of GAF.

Look how easy it for kids to view your content lolLicegif4.gif
My statement stands about them not wanting NSFW stuff because of their image.

Can someone else upvote you through these services? Or no one can?

Ohh and as for the Bosses thing that's just dumb, I think employers don't care what kind of porn their employee watches lol. Although guess it would be nice setting to choose whether or not you want to see the titles.

Anyways... best of luck

Just keep doing you sweetheart :) You'll be alright!
Not like they can ban you or delete you. People will show support regardless :) <3
You a pretty lady im sure people like the content wether its news or you or both ;P

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