I Have MS And I treat it with Cannabis!

in #smokenetwork7 years ago

I got diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when I was 19.
I didn't believe it and thought it was a result of overuse of drugs [ at the time I had just been forced out of a college degree and depression had got me doing basically anything I could get my hands on]
So, on the upside MS got me off a lot of hard drugs out of outright fear XD

But, turned out it was really real. After an MRI i got to see the evidence: lesions!!
My neurologist immediately started pushing steroids to reduce the possible effects of MS.
Now, this is the part of having MS that was hardest..having my doctor not listen to me and continually try and convince me to take steroids.

His reasoning [as with all doctors trying to prescribe insane steroids for MS] was that the steroids would "slow down" the disease and save my brain for longer.
Thankfully I like to research and found that steroids for MS have a 30% success rate,
So, like a placebo with INSANE side effects!
My Snapshot_701.jpg

These side effects include all the symptoms you would get from having MS anyways, but allegedly brain buffering against inflation [the enemy of your brain in MS]
I decided I'd rather have any pain from my disease be a result OF the disease and not drugs so I continually passed on the steroids and remain "untreated"
I remained this way for a few years and endured loss of vision in one eye every year [around fall for 2 weeks on average] as well as numb limbs at times, tingling all over and occasional lack of use of my legs.

It would seem though that my MS isn't as severe as it can be.

I am the average...most people with MS have the kind I have.
It's called Relapsing-Remitting MS (RRMS)
Which means temporary periods called relapses, flare-ups or exacerbations, when new symptoms appear.
But I was still being badgered by my doc to get treatment...
So I suggested cannabis.

My Snapshot_2502.jpg

Of course, my neurologist, looking for some sort of pay raise or bonus refused. He continued to insist that what I REALLY needed to save my brain juice was some good ole steroids!
Then I met my current partner.

At the time I smoked weed but I didn't do it for MS. I just did it cos weed, fuck ya!
I knew there was some evidence that it was helpful for MS so I figured what the heck.
At that time it turned out I wasn't taking ENOUGH!
I started some serious research into using cannabis as treatment for MS and found that not only did I need to be getting more in my system, it would be best if it was a 50/50 [half THC half CBD] for best results.

It's been 4 years since my last actual attack.

I still get them, but the mildness....I haven't gone blind in one eye for years now.
And as far as I am concerned I only have one savior....
Friends diagnosed long before and long after me...aren't doing as well.
I feel resentment from them cause they opted for the steroids and now even if it isn't working for them, they're hooked.

Surprise, hardcore steroids are fucking addictive!


I tell everyone to try treatment with weed,
I know its not for everyone and some of us MS folks have severe symptoms and steroids are the only thing that can mitigate it.
But the fact that neurologists prescribe these insane steroids to every MS patient disturbs me
Part of the problem is the disease itself. It's sneaky, and you never know what kind of MS you're gonna get until it's going already.
So, I get that a blanket "give them steroids" approach is understandable....but it's also brutal.
I feel so lucky I didn't get fear mongered into using steroids to deal with my disease.
I would be such a different more inhibited person if I had.

And I wish some of my friends had listened to me and not been scared into hard steroids before even trying more natural alternatives.

There is also the issue of research into weed. Which is stunted due to your long prohibition of it. A big issue for people with MS treating themselves with pot is dose. Figuring out how much you need daily for it to be working can be difficult. There are some good calculators you can find online but if you aren't weed savvy it can get confusing.

Then there's how you get it. I personally prefer dabs or distillate. I find I need a lot of THC/CBD in my system consistently and the dabs make it easier. I am less groggy and more functional on them than trying to puff 6 joints a day. I also find vaping better...more pure. Smoking, you loose most of your meds, so you end up needing to smoke MORE. The best practices for treatment are to vape it or to eat it. If you're weak to edibles [like me] best to take them right before bed and get the best sleep EVER.


Thankfully over the years I have heard other doctors getting better with requests to be treated with cannabis. Which is great!
My neurologist is still a meanie and want me on them steroids...
No thanks! I 'll handle my shit my way, thank you

This was posted from Smoke.Network


It's good if you can do it legaly.
We can't in Russia ((

it's not exactly legal in Canada yet, either... but most Canadians know it's not a threatening/harmful drug, so we kind of all just accept it. it's as common as drinking here. most cops won't even give you a ticket, they'll just make you put it out. unless you're in saskatchewan.... one of my buddies there got a criminal record for a 0.4g roach. what the actual fuck is that? at least our federal legislation is looking at repealing existing charges. :)

that sucks! I long for a day when it's legal everywhere..it'll come dammit...

this is really awesome of you to share your story like this. <3

I currently care take for my grandpa. He has been diagnosed with ms since he was in his 20's. Tech is changes and there have been some advancement in this field, but the sad part is that alot of the causes of ms are unkown still. Much love and safe travels through your journey of life <3

The next step is for doctors to do some actual research into the effects of cannabinoids on MS patients. One patient is not a valid sample size, even though it's worked for you. Medical trials usually require at least 100 or more, for even the slightest chance of statistical relevance. And if you want to have more credibility, a sample size of 1500 or 3000 is even better.

Someday it will happen. Hopefully it's soon...

I know!!!!! This is the ONLY reason I'm excited for legalization across Canada. Coooosss we need to have the ability to do the research. There's something magical about this plant and we NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING!!!

Damn i didn't know you had MS, known a few people with it myself and all of them consumed weed. I honestly can not wait for full legalisation in England, but we aint getting that until traitor may steps down :(

boooooooooooooooooo!!!! And yes, cannabis needs to be legal everywhere like liquor. tis madness!

Sure is, if it continues, next they will make stinging nettles or frogs and toads illegal. All in the name of protecting the kids, and the sheep will bleet along to the guberments tune :(

NOFX - Re-gaining Unconsciousness (with lyrics)

I commented "wiggle, wiggle, wiggle" on one of your vids cause it's really cute and I thought you were just high strung/full of energy. I wasn't making fun of you, so you know. I'm happy for you to be able to better your standard of living. P.S. Love your P.P. vids!


oh no i AM high strung and full of energy lol
i just also have MS XD and thanks!

I already vote you go, please vote have for me back to brother.

Heya, I liked reading your lifestyle.
I just wanna say that, you should take care of yourself in terms of your health.

** Stay Connected **

..yep. i clearly do.=) since you know. i didn't get steroid duped...
i could be fat, depressed and having seizures by now if I had!!!

I am glad that you are healthy.
Just take care of yourself that you are already doing.

Keep Awesome as you are !!

Cannabis is a wonderfull plant, I use it for my autisme, but the docs aint to happy about it.
They would rather prescribe hardcore drugs like amfetamine and other fuckt up shit.
Stay smoking girl!!
Greetings from the Netherlands!!

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