The blocktrades contest | Brit Floyd - LIVE in ThessalonikisteemCreated with Sketch.

in #blocktradescontest6 years ago (edited)

This post is for entering a contest: The Blocktrades Scholarship.

Contest 04 1AA 10q.jpg

I've been in this blockchain for more than a year, and I've experienced the crypto-thrills of last December. The downfall of steem value was a big disappointment, but it did not stop me from participating in this community. By posting regularly I intend to keep the communication channels alive and get better at what I am doing (fractals mainly), by heeding the criticism & suggestions I receive. I also believe that by contributing to the comment sections of other posters, I can alert them to things related to their endeavors, urge them to know more, or just give that cyber-pat-in-the-back we all like to receive: "Good job mate, keep going!" I never engaged in social networks like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, but here I feel more comfortable to post some info about myself and my thoughts than in any other platform. I think the people I connected with here are not poseurs, they love what they do and always strive to evolve through good & hard work.

That's why I selected a more social post than my usual digital art fractal posts, to showcase in this contest. The concert of Brit Floyd in Thessaloniki was a great gig, reminded me of my childhood and listening to the chord I grew up with sent chills up my spine! This is similar to how the steem-community helped me to get in touch again with things I've left in my past: comics & fractals.

To keep this short, I'd like to thank all the steemians that supported me and my work. Most of them are great artists, and thinkers, too!

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BTC 65687.24
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.69