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RE: Can Pushing Back Shoot Us Forward?

Mental food for the morning :) . Too often people dont allow themselves to be who they really are(Or DOnt know) which in turn separates them from their true emotions and feelings. (I.E they can never be mad or vise versa happy)
this seperation from being grounded as you say keeps a lot of people in mental turmoil and as we all know people in turmoil are easier to placate and more importantly manipulate. Embrace all aspects of life the negative and the positive because those are the factors that make youwho you ARE. I know this is long sorry


It is long enough for me to say Thank You! Knowing who we truly are requires so much allowing of the oppositional or paradoxical. I am so glad you read it and wrote back. "Embrace all aspects" indeed, for to do otherwise is to get stuck on stupid hehehe. Much love and cheers (well i guess also irritations and grumbles lol) on this gorgeous sunday!

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