|Club100| The Allamanda Plants and benefits by @nuruzzahri

in Steemit-Garden2 years ago


Hello Beloved Steemit-Garden friends wherever you are and how are you today.? I hope all of you are fine. And then I really hope all of you to always live a healthy life and continue to take care of your health.!

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Well on this occasion I want to share about your Allamanda flower plant. Maybe many of the plant fans already know about this type of plant, but there are also some people who don't know about this plant and its benefits, therefore I will explain what I already know so that my friends all can add insight.

What is The Allamanda Plants?

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The Allamanda Plants are plants that have beautiful and beautiful flowers. This Allamanda flower is also easy to find around us (Aceh) usually local residents maintain it in the yard and front yard of the house. For people who don't know the benefits of this plant, they consider the Allamanda plant to be an ornamental garden because this plant has beautiful, slightly elongated yellow flowers with bright colors. As for herbalists, this plant is a plant that has many health benefits.

The Latin name of the Allamanda flower is Allamanda Cathartica L. While in other languages the name of this plant is known as the Allamanda flora, Golden Trumpet and Common Allamanda.

Allamanda plants have yellow flowers with five petals. This allamanda plant is often used as an ornamental plant to decorate the front yard of the house.

Allamanda flower plant is a type of flora from the flora family Apocynaceae. This allamanda flower plant is a woody shrub with a height that can reach 2 m. The stems of this old allamanda plant will be brown due to the formation of wood, while the stem shoots are green.

The leaves of the allamanda plant have a tapered shape at the tip of the leaf with a fierce surface structure with a length of 6 to 16 cm. Allamanda leaves are usually gathered in three or four strands. Allamanda flowers are yellow and shaped like a trumpet with a diameter of 5-7.5 cm. This allamanda plant has fragrant flowers.

Allamanda plants will generally live in places that have sufficient rainfall and sunlight intensity. This allamanda plant habitat is in a tropical place with an altitude of 0-700 m above sea level. This allamanda flower plant reproduces by means of seeds and stem cuttings.

Allamanda Plant Ingredients

  • Allamanda leaves contain alkaloids.
  • Allamanda bark contains tannins and saponins.
  • Allamanda fruit contains flavonoids, saponins and polyphenols.

Allamanda plant benefits

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Let Steemit-Garden friends follow me to discuss some of the benefits of allamanda plants that can cure various kinds of diseases including:

1. Treating skin diseases

To treat skin diseases, the leaves are usually used so that the antibacterial contained in this plant is used to treat skin diseases such as abscesses, scabies, ringworm and eczema. You simply clean the leaves of dirt and dust, then mash until smooth and apply on the area affected by skin diseases. Do it regularly for maximum results.

2. Reduce fever

A drastic increase in body temperature can cause fever and a headache. You can boil the leaves of alamanda and wait a while until the cooking water becomes warm. Use it to compress the body, you can also use the steam to steam the body when you have a fever.

3. Antidote to toxins in the body

The part of allamanda that is used as an antidote is the leaves. Allamanda leaves can deactivate toxins in the body. You just need to pick about 15 allamanda leaves in your yard, then wash them thoroughly. Boil for 15 minutes. The boiled water is drunk in the morning and evening.

4. Treating heart disease

The flavonoid content in allamanda fruit is an active compound that is known to treat liver disease. In addition, the allamanda plant is also believed to be able to treat jaundice.

5. As a laxative

Allamanda petals have a slightly pungent and bitter taste which are also used as laxatives and emetics (causes vomiting). Allamanda is quite potent as a natural laxative, its taste can make you vomit the contents in your stomach.

6. Treating dysentery

Dysentery is characterized by symptoms of abdominal cramps, fever, nausea and diarrhea accompanied by mucus and blood. For those who experience these symptoms, you can take advantage of the leaf stems of allamanda.

7. Treat constipation

Allamanda is also known to be effective in smoothing digestive disorders including constipation. Take advantage of allamanda leaves, you can brew it and drink the steeping water regularly.

8. Treat swelling

Swelling that is allowed to continue can trigger the formation of malignant tumors to cancer. The antibiotic content found in allamanda flowers is believed to be able to reduce swelling of the spleen.

9. Prevent free radicals

Allamanda fruit contains polyphenols which act as antioxidants. It is believed to be able to neutralize free radicals in the air, especially pollution, cigarette smoke and exposure to direct sunlight.

10. Kill bacteria

Allamanda has anti-bacterial properties which are known to be present in its flowers. Allamanda flowers contain sap that actively kills bacteria that cause various diseases in the body.




So, those are some of the benefits about Alamanda flower plants that I can share with friends, I hope this post can add insight for dear readers. I thank you very much for your visit and your support.

See you and see you again🖐🖐🖐

Best Regard @nuruzzahri

Special Mentions :


 2 years ago 

Thank you very much for your beautiful post and photos!

 2 years ago 

Welcome hive-180821, and thank you so much, i hope @steemcurator01 look at me.. I need your help.

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