Will Bitcoin worth $ 1 million? Yes, and here's why:

in #money8 years ago

Course Bitcoin the US dollar is the most popular search term, along with "What is Bitcoin?". Bitcoin Price is important in many cases, especially for those fiatnyh currencies, which largely depend on the dollar.

Now that the price of Bitcoin has more than doubled compared to the January minimum, it became apparent that Bitcoin-trolls and Hayter quieted down considerably at this celebration of life (always fun to see how it works). Now, when the good times return for Bitcoin as a global currency and the cost of the means of communication - how far can it go? What is the ceiling "future money"?

There was a time when mainstream media, some beating drums, praising Bitcoin as a long term investment. Most interesting is that usually took place at the next peak of the course, which in the history of cryptocurrency already been done. During the bubble Mt.Gox autumn of 2013, Henry Blodget (Henry Blodget) Business Insider predicted from Bitcoin price of $ 1 million. His article attracted 100,000 visitors to display at a time when the bitcoin exchange rate exceeded $ 1,000.

Not long ago, The Street quoted from an interview with a famous blogger Datavetaren, that Bitcoin is not only to reach the price of $ 1 million, but also to replace gold as the economic "safe harbor". What is this nonsense once intoxicated rapid rise rate bitcoin fans? Do we have carried out in their dreams on Fantasy Island? Or on the economic charts and actually have real long-term expectations regarding digital gold?

If Bitcoin consider comprehensively and thoroughly, it's hard enough to come to a negative output on the future course of the dynamics. Number of Bitcoin transactions per day sets records, crossing the border 100 000 transactions per day, so that the need for and use of Bitcoin is higher than it has ever been. As soon as the price of Bitcoin continues to grow, the media of all the forces trying to blacken the digital currency.

 In July 2016 Halving will award for the block, reducing the release of new bitcoins to 12,5 BTC every 10 minutes. Specifically, it can not hurt Bitcoin price in the long term. This may coerce miners sell more bitcoins from reserves to maintain operations in the short term, so that the rules of the game will become tougher with increased dropout. It can act as a counterbalance to public recognition, at least for a while. Of course, we should not expect that the price of BTC is required to double by next fall, but personally I remain bullish on the price of Bitcoin. Steadily growing demand ever necessarily exceed the reserve offers, so that over time the price can not vyrasti.Faktor, of which all are silent - the long-term value of the "global reserve currency" of the US dollar. The US government has repeatedly tell you that inflation is only some 2%, they even say that there is no inflation at all, if you trust the "official" statistics. But anyone who bought a car, a pound of beef, or bitcoin, if it comes to that, will tell you otherwise. In the real world, the real inflation - not contrived and cartoon figure that they show - closer to 5% per annum, but not less than 2% .Many experts also predict an end to the US dollar as the world reserve currency by the end of this decade. Such a superpower like China and Russia, tirelessly working on in order to thwart a global economy based on the dollar basket. Appeared AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank), the BRICS (Brazil / Russia / India / China / South Africa) created their own investment bank, under the slogan "we-hate-dollar", and there was a new Silk Road from China to Eastern Europe - all these are signs of a serious geopolitical economic shift.

At a time when the United States have accumulated $ 18 trillion. debt, non-dollar bilateral agreements are becoming the norm, and countries around the world are used for mutual Chinese yuan, the US dollar's days are numbered. This is not even a question of "if" but "when" there is a change of guard. The US dollar has lost over 97% of the cost over the past century, so c that would be stored on the model of economic incessant humiliation?

Bitcoin is valued in relation to the falling costs of paper assets, which is also moribund. We are all doing well, but I could write 100,500 words about why Bitcoin is more valuable than the dollar and the market obviously agrees. In the end, the question may not be how many dollars will it cost Bitcoin - as you know, each known to mankind fiatnyh currency has come to its collapse, and the dollar does them will be no different. So, what will the US dollar, will change the future of money, even more than it will make Bitcoin.

I have no doubt that bitcoin will cost $ 1 million. Not so much because of the potential inherent in bitcoin as a world currency, but because of the growing weakness of the US dollar. Global support and confidence in the dollar weakened, at the same time as they grow towards Bitcoin. And this despite the fact that the "third world" yet did not imbued with the value of Bitcoin.

Billion investments in infrastructure Bitcoin take another 1-2 years to ensure that bear fruit and make cryptocurrency suitable for easy and convenient use throughout the world. Bitcoin has proved its durability, but is still in its infancy. His aging may take a decade, but the value of Bitcoin is precisely the object of which is not to worry about the long term.

The only pressing question is whether your investment will be correctly placed when the sail "Black Swan"?


That would make a lot of us instant super millionaires, so I'm all for it :-)

"In July 2016 Halving will award for the block, reducing the release of new bitcoins to 12,5 BTC every 10 minutes."

Will? Did you write this article back in June or something?

Bitcoin has potential to worth more than $1 million USD.

I think you mean that the value of all crypto in aggregate will rise, not just bitcoin, but "B"itcoin

Agreed. All altcoin values with will rise including STEEM

Good article. I was about to post a similair post. The blockchain is here to stay. No matter what any crypto will do in the upcoming years. I think that's a conclusion we can make by now. I found this great website: https://www.coincheckup.com Every single coin can be analysed here based on: the team, the product, advisors, community, the business and the business model and much more. For example: https://www.coincheckup.com/coins/Bitcoin#analysis To see the: Bitcoin Detailed report.

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