in HeartChurch4 years ago

IMAGE SOURCE: www.agodman.com


One of the problems with many Christians is that they are ignorant of the fact that the salvation they received from God is complete and able to meet all their needs as long as they are living in this world. This ignorance has led to some of them accepting half of their salvation benefits, leaving the rest benefits untouched.

The full meaning of salvation: the Greek word translated “salvation” is “Sozo” and it means deliverance, safety, preservations, healing and soundness. Sin affected all the above-mentioned areas in man.

But Jesus Christ through his cross-paid the supreme price for our sins to provide deliverance, safety, preservation, healing and soundness for as many as will receive him in their lives.

IMAGE SOURCE: ldssotd.com

At the end he cried with loud voice, “It is finished” Jn. 19:30, which means all the evils that sin brought to man is removed. When we believe this good news it will bring the power of God into our lives and set us free from all of them.
Isaiah 53:4-5 confirmed this. We were transferred into the kingdom of God and because of this, every child of God is freed from sin, demonic possession and sickness.

To enjoy all these provisions; you must from your heart believe, confess and claim by faith all that Christ has provided for you just as you have believed that through his suffering you were saved from your sins the very day you came to Him for salvation.

The word “saved”, here is more than salvation from sins, it also includes other aspect of human suffering and fears. Remember Jn. 8:36. Refuse to accept half freedom from Christ has given us all things pertaining to life and godliness. Therefore go for them now.

IMAGE SOURCE: cdn.shopify.com

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