Bajai Life Camp 16.08: Day 459

in #travel-living6 years ago

Bajai Life Camp 16.08: Day 459
Golden Tulip Hotel
Saturday September 8, 2018
Warsaw, Poland
25.13% panicked!!

What does Universe have in mind for me? My passport is missing!! Tossed the room. Retraced my steps. But still showed up for the tour and was immediately asked if I was available for another program. I am... but I have to get a new passport.

Or, I May, have to get a new passport. It might not be lost.

Two hours of a Warsaw walking tour... glad I had my tea. Glad I bought some trail mix. We're having lunch.

No comment about the group. I have some thoughts, but I'm probably wrong.

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I'm having deja vu moments. If I'm tuning into the source, then everything will turn out... it will unfold as it will anyway.

The passport drama is over. Decided to take one more look. I had the loss report screen on the computer. Then I found it. I am "the finder of all things!"

Now breathe.

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Remember this guy??

Housekeeping restocked my tea and sugar. I had a cup when I returned. I only rifled through about 25% of my stuff before I found my passport. After a while I wondered why my relief didn't equal my panic. Now I wonder why I thought that?

Hmmm. Equal and opposite reactions.

I'm a bit embarrassed to have met Steve, the host/coordinator of the program, with the passport report. However, he's likely to remember it.

This day will require another meal.

I'm intrigued by the group. There's a set of brothers... siblings that is... who answered an ad in AAPR Magazine. Gives you a hint about my intro to the group. They may come alive, or be alive. I'll know better on Friday.

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This seems to be an art project of some sort.

I don't know why I'm sitting around here watching Northern Exposure when I've got packing to do.

Gym Life

Day three of three in the gym. More vanity work... mostly arms... close grip bench presses and some concentration curls and some shoulder goodies too.

But! It was great therapy. I almost didn't go. But I'm glad I did... Gym therapy.

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Gym Therapy.

Okay... that went nowhere. Guess I should get packing.

Oh yes. Right foot blister... ouch!! I think it's worse. Coconut butter!!! And less walking for a while.

Wrapping it up here at the Golden Tulip. I made the correct choice staying here. I think it's a bit over priced... but whatever. I'd stay here again unless I got a better deal closer to departure and a better gym. Or if I weren't staying that long.

I hope I like this program half as much as the ones in Spain. I could maybe set up a schedule where I start in Spain, shift to Italy, then Germany, Poland and the east... finish up in Spain and cruise back to Florida. Or better still....go to Asia just before the high season hits. Or, maybe look into New Zealand where the American elite are supposedly fleeing.

Vitamin C before bed. Left nostril still symptomatic. We start tomorrow.



Back to #Steemit gang. Updating the last week of "Life" today. Cheers.

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