Islam, The Only Panacea For Mankind, the Fourth Part!

in #religion6 years ago


There is nothing like Islam on earth. There is no faith, no religion,

no ideology, no system of belief that can rival Islam in its clarity and

simplicity; in its submission to God, the One and Only; in its rationality

and intellectual depth, in its egalitarianism and equality; in its spirituality,

in its code of ethics; in its unparalleled balance between the needs of

this life and the demands of the hereafter. Islam has elevated the

human soul, body, and mind to heights that have never been reached

by any other faith or tradition. Islam is the only religion that has truly

enabled human beings to fulfill their humanity.

It is important to note that Isalm is not just a set of ideas, it is a

tremendous force capable of transforming and regenerating

individuals as well as societies and whole nations. The influence

of Isalm upon the first society that embraced it, the Arabian peninsula

, was nothing short of a revolution. Islam has revolutionized Arabia

in all aspects of life: politically, economically, especially, and above

all morally.

It was Islam that transformed the fiercely independent-minded Aras

who knew no government, obeyed no authority, recognized no state

into a nation with a government, a capital, and a respected authority.

It was Islam that taught the anarchic Arabs how to elect a head of state

from among themselves and how to run their government upon

principles of mutual consultation. It was Isalm that taught the Arabs

who never agreed on any form of law to build a nation based on the

rule of one sacred, just. and merciful law. Isalm also taught them that

they were all equals before the law and no one even the daughter

of the Prophet was above the law. It was Isalm that transformed the

intensity militant Arabs from a group of tribes massacring each other

all the time to the extent that they had to agree on four months of

peace every year to prevent their whole race from extinction due to

the incessant wars-into one nation with united tribal armies able to

confront and defeat the armies of the surrounding superpowers: the

By engines and the Sassanids.

It was Islam that abolished usury from Arabia and taught the Arabs

how to make business transaction justly and fairly without exploitation

or abuse. It was Isalm that abolished the gruesome habit of female

infanticide from Arabis. It was Islam that taught the Arabs that women

were fully human beings, not mere chattel, and that they were their

sisters in humanity and in faith. It was Islam that guaranteed for Arabian

women their rights to inheritance, properly, divorce, and independent

legal personality. It was Islam that eradicated Alcohol, with all its evils,

from Arabia. It was Isalm that ended all forms of prostitution, gambling,

and intoxicants from the Arabian society. And it was Isalm that opened

all doors for freeing slaves. It was Isalm that uprooted races, from

the Arav mind completely to the extent that the deeply racist and

arrogant Arabs would accept to be soldiers in armies whose leaders

were black Africans.



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