in #photo7 years ago (edited)


Mistral and tramontane are strong winds that are often mentioned in weather reports. While these two circulations share many common points, they differ in their geographical location.
The tramontane is a north, northwest wind that sweeps the orographic corridor formed by the Pyrenees (southwest) and the Massif Central (northeast). It crosses the threshold of Naurouze and sweeps over the plains of Languedoc and Roussillon. Tramontane can occur all year round, and is violent and marked by strong gusts of wind that can damage homes, agricultural fields, etc.

Mistral et tramontane sont des vents violents dont on entend souvent parler dans les bulletins météo. Si ces deux circulations partagent beaucoup de points communs, elles diffèrent par leur localisation géographique.
La tramontane est un vent de nord, nord-ouest qui balaye le couloir orographique formé par les Pyrénées (sud-ouest) et le Massif central (nord-est). Il franchit le seuil de Naurouze et balaye les plaines du Languedoc et du Roussillon. Pouvant survenir toute l'année, la tramontane est violente et marquée de puissantes rafales pouvant endommager habitations, champs agricoles, etc.

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