Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2 Week 3 Trading and Holding - Two Sides of a Coin - by : Prof @alphafx

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

WhatsApp Image 2021-04-29 at 02.30.17.jpeg

[ app on my smartphone ]


Thanks alot Professor @AlphaFX for giving us a new homework in his class for this week. and this is my first class with you sir @AlphaFX. below let me answer some pertinent questions regarding the topic of crypto this week(season 2 week 3) about trading and holding.

1. Do you hold coin? Talk about the wallet type you prefer/would prefer holding in!!

Yes I holding Some coins on my wallet, my special One is $BNB and saveral others, like $steem, Steem dollar, Little bit of Ethereum and some coin of BSC chain.


i holding my special one on Safepal wallet. why i prefer to holding my coin on safepal?
because safepal is wallet that only can access it by us not exchanger/thirt party ,then that wallet support by most exchange in the world that is Binance, also support hardwallet the name is Safepal S1. The Safepal S1 is awesome, because it support thousand of crypto aset of various chain like BSC chain, BTC, DOT, DOGE, XRP ERC20( USDT, PAX , HT) TRC20 & TRC10 ( USDT, BTT, WIN etc) BEP2 (BTCB, SLV).


[ Safepal S1 ]


2. with screenshot, show how to perform spot trading on any pairs of your chooice?!

example from Binance
first time go to spot market and chooice the coin that you want to trade it with his pairing.

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ex : $PERP/USDT. i only have USDT on my balance.
to trade it this pair, i have 213 USDT and i want to buy $PERP 100% of my balance instanly.

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and DONE, now go to" SELL MENU " that show you the coin that you was trade/bought is 29.723 of $PERP

WhatsApp Image 2021-04-29 at 03.01.16.jpeg

3. hold or trading, which do you prefer and why?

i prefer to trading because by trading we can get some profit instantly, certainly proportional to the risk (high risk high gain). im typical scalping trader.
in my opinion it is the best way and fastway to get profit instantly, i usually scalping on BSC swap like pancakeswap, because there the fluctuation is crazy.
for example i was scalping for 10 minute on pancakeswap

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only 10 minute i got 0.18 BNB for instanly


holding or trading? certainly there will be different views from everyone regarding this, for a reliable pro trader who masters technical and fundamental analysis, trading may be an option for him compared to holding, because by mastering both of them a trader will be very easy to get profit quickly. and it is undeniable that lucky holding will get big profits in the future, for example my friend bought as much as 47000DOGE worth $ 50 in 2017, in 2021 it will be worth $ 14200.

NICE HOMEWORK Sir @AlphaFX hope you enjoy it.
thank you :)

[ Professor @alphafx, this is my Homework assignment on Steemit crypto Academy season 2 week 3 ]

Question 12/2okay
Question 22/2well shown
Question 32.5/4a tad bit scanty
Presentation2/2nice job
TOTAL8.5well done, see you next time

Thanks for participating

Thanks alot sir

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 66794.56
ETH 3501.55
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.71