The web of establishment control structure, eugenics and global domination.

in #great4 years ago


You gotta choose whether you are going to support the corporate funding of the federal government politicians that you vote for and are willing to continue to give up on your interests and those of most Americans for the interests of the richest rich people.

Their solution to this, according to a 2010 Rockefeller Foundation report (a scenario of the future called Lock Step) is an authoritarian crackdown on the resistance to increase authoritarian control due to a virus pandemic that would arise from SARS in the future.

Bill Gates funds the NIAID which, under the direction of Dr. Fauci, was engaged in biowarfare research called “gain of function” research to make the SARS virus better at infecting humans. When the NIH shut down this research in the US as being too dangerous, in 2014, this biowarfare research was transferred to the virus lab in Wuhan, which Dr. Fauci then financed.

Bill Gates is quite serious when he says that his goal is to get rid of 1 billion humans. The father of Bill Gates worked with the eugenicist David Rockefeller on funding the Rockefeller-created WHO. Bill Gates is a major donor to the WHO and worked on the WHO’s secret efforts to sterilize women in Kenya and South Africa.

This eugenicist plan is one hundred years old. The Rockefellers financed the Third Reich and supplied it with oil, before and during WWII.

Prescott Bush’s bank bought Hitler a party headquarters building. Bush lost his directorship at UBC bank in New York for Trading With The Enemy in 1942.

Bush then financed Richard Nixon’s career in Congress and the Eisenhower/Nixon ticket in 1952. Nelson Rockefeller financed Nixon for President in 1968.

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds run the private Council on Foreign Relations and have financed and advised every single US President since WWII.

The international bankers and industrialists invested in German steel and chemical industry after WWI. Their hub corporation of German industry was I. G. Farben. They financed Adolf Hitler since 1919.

I. G. Farben executives directly advised Hitler, Göring, and Himmler and provided intelligence for the Wehrmacht.

The same big bank establishment that created the Third Reich and was behind its invasions financed both Obama and McCain for President in 2008. Obama’s adviser on oil wars in eight nations was was Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was David Rockefeller’s right hand man.

Brzezinski had previously led the Bush/Rockefeller CIA’s arming of the Mujahideen during the Rockefeller man Jimmy Carter’s administration. The Mujahideen morphed into al Qaeda and ISIS.

US General Michael Flynn was persecuted for revealing that the Obama administration knowingly supported ISIS and al Qaeda.

IDF chief Eisenkot stated that Israel has supported ISIS and al Qaeda for years. The Saudis admit to arming ISIS.

US military leaders are very concerned now that the CIA supports the same wing of al Qaeda in Syria that flew planes into the WTC towers on 9/11.

Brzezinski once stated that the US wars were for (big bank) control of all of the oil in the world for (economic) control over Eurasia (Russia and China).

Trump refused to start any new oil wars, seriously challenged Rockefeller/Rothschild control of the Federal Reserve, and took away the massive income tax break for oil corporations.

Prescott Bush and Nelson Rockefeller ran the CIA when the CIA killed Kennedy (according to CIA man E. Howard Hunt, in 2007).

President Kennedy was killed for doing what Trump did, refusing to start oil wars, challenging the corporate control over the Federal Reserve, and getting rid of the income tax break for oil corporations.

Trump just got the Rockefeller/Rothschild-financed Hillary Campaign’s Mueller Investigation, and two (count them) impeachment attempts.

The members of Congress who are behind the current impeachment efforts are financed by the same big bank establishment that financed Hitler.

Is this what you support? Trump stated that their big bank establishment man John Bolton’s oil war efforts, for big bank economic control of the entire planet, were leading us into WWIII.

Trump said that he was against David Rockefeller’s “globalization” scheme.

Going along with the establishment man Joe Biden on oil wars in Syria, Iran, and Venezuela, which are protected by Russia and China, is not the path to peace.

Like the liberals who voted for the big bank establishment man in Germany in 1933, US liberals are now just supporting the aims of the fascists who run the big bank establishment. That will only bring what Hitler’s supporters got, war and ruin.

Pretending that we are just good people who are supporting a good man who is President is to ignore reality. Biden is a long time member of the private Council on Foreign Relations.

If you think this is just a “conspiracy theory”, try checking the facts for yourself. Google the Council on Foreign Relations.

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