Racketeers for Capitalism.

in #us2 years ago


The US economy has increasingly become drained by war most often manufactured by the unelected elite ruling class that was heavily invested in taxpayer funded weapons and war support industries. Not only did they profit through war related investments, but they also profited by looting natural resources and more recently taking possession of infrastructure in countries they victimized through any and all institutional devices that would maintain and advance the exploitative endless war crime status quo.

War is a drain on the real economy which are the goods and services everyday people produce and distribute to each other in the course of living. Whatever wealth the US possesses in terms of natural and human resources, it’s being drained by the war machine and the relatively small number of people that actually benefit. Notice the country has not been making a profit off war while they’re funded by adding war costs to the national debt which has risen from around 6 trillion$ at the time of the WTC attacks on 9-11-2001, to 31 Trillion$ and climbing now. Many of the same people orchestrating and profiting off US war crimes are also invested in the Central and investment banks that have also received Trillion$ in handouts after their exploitative policies weakened the real economy to the point it was on the verge of collapse - as it is worse than ever now - because it was being drained by the same elite ruling class through various forms of exploitation, including trillion$ more handed to the largest multinational globalist corporations and added to the debt - all at the expense of US taxpayers and worldwide humanity, including death and destruction with much credit going to the Western propaganda media industry that censors facts and lies to the world’s public, often enticing a majority where necessary to go along with and even embrace some these criminal policies for a period of time.

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