in GEMS4 years ago


I have spent most of the last three months in the comfort of my home. I don't know for others but this corona era has been ideal for me as a lot of things were slowed down by the pandemic. Also, it has ushered a new era or way of doing things which align with my lifestyle as a recluse. Thankfully, I discovered hive when I did and that has cushioned the economic impact of the pandemic. I have been able to cater to my household with the income I generate here and there.

Everything since to be the same. I got to my bus-stop fully kit up with my face mask and face shield, but to my surprise, a lot of people were going about their business unperturbed. It seems we aren't in the middle of a pandemic.

Personally, I have stopped paying attention to the news and the stats. I think the hysteria has died down, especially in this part where the impact of the virus hasn't been significant. There have been over 20,000 recorded cases but when compared to the population it seems quite insignificant. There are theories that the virus is fake and merely a political propaganda to move public funds to private pockets. To a certain degree, I am beginning to believe it's the truth--the political aspect of the virus. It is on record that the daily expenditure for taking care of a COVID-19 patient is around $2,200 (one million nairas) which seems quite outrageous and given the history of this country this is a narrative many will believe, which in turn explains why a lot of still consider this whole pandemic to be a hoax. I did at some point question the authenticity of the figures and the presence of the virus in our State. Given the number of the recorded case, the time frame of the pandemic, and the preparedness to tackle the virus, a lot of things just don't align.


I know a lot of things are being politicised these days and the credibility of the information on the media is quite questionable. Recent I heard about a close friend who left fro the States and It has been stated repeatedly in the media that international flights are been cancelled indefinitely. So it does bug the mind when you see the opposite happening. Notwithstanding, I have taken the safe route. I know a lot of people tend to be rebellious and want to go against the rules and regulations put in place to keep everyone safe. We have the whole facemask debate in the States, people arguing for and against it. I would rather stay safe and protected with my household and hope we come out of this whole pandemic in one piece. That's the goal.

There are certain businesses that are not allowed to operate this period. The economic impact of the virus is weighing down on a lot of households but for the most part, it is business as usual.

So share with me, how are things in your State? How are people responding to government directives as regards the pandemic? Are people adhering to them or not?

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