A war between civiliztions

in #freedom7 years ago

There is a war on between two powerful civilizations. This is more clearly a fight between good and evil than has almost ever been seen before. One civilization was built by reason and thought, and one civilization was built by the sword. One civilization allows it citizens to live free and pursue happiness, and one civilization keeps slaves for every nefarious purpose under the sun. One civilization creates wealth the likes of which were unknown to man for most of history, and one civilization gets what it has based on theft and geographic luck. One civilization stands alone in its respect for women, and in fact has nearly always built itself with their interests coming first, while one civilization values their testimony at nothing, allows them no freedoms whatsoever, and treats them like livestock. One civilization values that which is morally correct, and that which creates healthy humans, while one civilization values only that which is beneficial to its own toxic ideology.

I speak of course of the war between Western Civilization and Islam.

Western Civilization is and has historically been the civilization that values freedom more than any other, and has stood alone in the world in treating women with dignity. It has promoted strong, healthy individuals, and loving families. This has enabled it to achieve levels of wealth far above the rest of the world, barring outside nations which have adopted those most important of Western values. Western civilization has also created societies full of well balanced individuals, competent in ability and mentally, and healthy morally and spiritually. It is no wonder that the world is envious of and yearns to live in the West, as its society is more perfect than any other that has ever existed.

Islamic civilization, however, has a totally different story. It detests freedom, respect for women, individualism, and free thought. In fact, all that it values is commitment and blind devotion to Islam itself. Violence towards those outside of Islam is cheered, more than valuable advances in technology, champions of industry, or truly morally just individuals. The legacy of this can be seen in the Islamic world today; it is a land full of violence, especially against women and children. Slavery is prevalent and in some places common. Economic activity is more primitive than many other places, and is nowhere near as expansive. It is most successful in areas dependent on geographic luck, that is to say, much of this land is oil rich.

These two civilizations have fundamentally opposite values. The results of these two civilizations are consequently extremely different. Currently, there is much tension between them. Western governments have been intervening in Islamic nations for many decades, and are to this day still intervening militarily, with serious negative consequences. Though Islam has always hated and been fighting the West, this military intervention creates further hatred and animosity towards the West. Even worse is the fact that many Western countries, which have welfare states creating incentives for immigration, are also allowing many people from these West-hating countries to immigrate. This results in many terrorist attacks in these countries, taking the lives of innocent and valuable Western people. Even worse is the fact that Western nations have low birth rates, while Islamic nations have high birth rates. This demographic disaster risks replacing Western people, with their superior values, with Islamic people and their primitive and brutal values. There is both a push and pull factor that incentivizes people in Islamic lands to immigrate to Western lands, and this has now evolved into a full invasion of the West.

Anyone who honestly analyzes this situation, and values the prosperity and happiness of mankind realizes what is most important here. If we do not protect Western people and Western Civilization now, all the sacrifices made in the name of freedom in the past 2,000 years will have been for nothing, and the cycle will have to begin all over again. How many more millions have to die for freedom? How many more millenia must be sacrificed for freedom? If we defend the West now, and honestly speak about what we must do, disregarding those misanthropes who claim we are politically incorrect, the answer is not many. Resist the violent tide of Islam. Protect Western Civilization and Western people. For the cause of human liberty and prosperity, do what you can to save the West.


The awakening has begun my friend, hopefully its done in time. The people who have caused this need to be held accountable though, one way or the other.

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