It's Easy If You're Willing To Simplify Without Slacking Off: Stop Beating Yourselves Up

in #life6 years ago

I've been through everything. Still here, doing what I do.

What do I do?

Whatever I want.
And so do you. It's not easy but it's not hard either.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Simply Staying Busy.jpeg
Simply Staying Busy

There's no such thing as a shit post anymore.


I've been posting a few shorts lately. A lot of you post shorts. Quick reads or posts based more on the imagery contained within like art or photographs.

It takes skill to say more, by saying less. That's not being lazy.

All art and photographs take time to produce and process. A lot of time. My previous post for instance. About sixty words, a short message; simple read. The art, from start to finish, took a little less than eight hours to produce. Mind you, I wasn't in much of a hurry.

For a lot of us, what doesn't appear to be much once published, is actually a metric shit-ton worth of effort; and even a short post could lead to many more hours of time spent in the comment section as well.

Why am I reminding everyone of this?

Hard times.

It's no secret.

Some people are doing a fine job of carrying on, business as usual. That's really good to see. There are also plenty of distractions out there, many unanswered questions, a lot of confusion, and some drama. I know, for me, personally, I need to be very careful where I step. I'm one to get, involved.

I don't want to be, involved.

It's hard for me though!

Holy crap!

Instead of working on my next hit post that won't trend, I find myself buried deep in discussion about things that, no matter what I say or to who, nothing will ever come out of it. No changes. We're just people; people exchanging our opinions. Opinions are like assholes; everyone has one. Sometimes I become an asshole when I share my opinion. That part sucks. (LOL)

I've been through harder times than this.

I don't want to see those of you who haven't experienced the lulls here to become discouraged.

One of the easiest ways to get through these bumps is to simply relax.

Ease in, produce something simple, share it. There's no such thing as a shit post. Don't worry about the money. You got this far in life without the added rewards you get from this place. Hold on to it, have fun in the meantime.

If you see some of your peers suddenly switching gears — you've known them to produce interesting stuff, suddenly all they can seem to do is talk about issues with the platform — try to get them back on track. Take them aside, tell them not to worry, remind them that it's not selfish to focus on themselves and their own well-being.

I've witnessed hundreds of people go from interesting content producer to doesn't shut up about the problems they see. Eventually, they vanish. No more interesting content. They drowned in their sorrows. It's hard to bounce back from that, especially when they get to the burning the bridges phase. Again, if you see signs of someone being consumed by these platform demons, try to step in and help them before it's too late.

People have been saying this place is going to die...

For two years.

They've been wrong, for two years.

I've seen it all; I've heard it all. Same sad song, different singer. That radio station sucks.

Sure, I have a few grievances. So what, and I have to remind myself of so what. I have to listen to that voice in my head; the voice that doesn't like things. It's annoying. I annoy myself. I've always been one to air my grievances but at the same time, I do bite my tongue as well. I've gone off the deep end a few times but I know how to swim. I can see myself drowning before my head goes under the water, so I'm careful, and usually come out of it on top.

It's so easy to let those platform demons in. It's hard to shake them if you haven't been around long enough to build up a tolerance.

It's also easy to relax, get back to doing your thing instead of making another's problems your own. Share a few shit posts now knowing they're not shit. It's been quiet out there, but we gotta start somewhere.

No pressure.

Here's a picture of a cat:

NoNamesLeftToUse - Massive Post.jpeg
I hope you enjoyed that shit.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"I nominate everyone to produce a shit post."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


That cat must have been huge before he started that shit lol. You're the ultimate entertainer here. Always different, always engaging.

Oh and lest I forget, always encouraging....thanks!

It's truly amazing how much stuff can fit inside a cat.

I hope you accepted his nomination to

to produce a shit post.

Check well you'll see it ;)

Less is more as it allows us to venture farther than we would have otherwise by giving us the answer. You posts are like my daily soduko puzzle... I think I solved it only to recognize I was wrong...

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah, that's about the gist of it, more or less.

Lol! That cat on a giant turd just made my day.

Also, is it just me, or does it seem like the entire planet is in a deep depression right now? It is like some aliens sprinked some suck dust all over the planet and are just rubbing their hands together waiting for the results.

I think that should be the subject of your next piece of art.

Now that you mention it, I did see a massive UFO spraying a chemtrail. You're right, one artist's depiction, coming up!

Sooooo... write a post on the toilet?

Or near a urinal.

My butthole hurts just looking at that pile! I'ma refrain from commenting ludely on what keeps you busy except to looks much better as digital art! Haha!

Are you trying to tell me my shit looks good?

Nothing better than a little scatological humor to get us out of our doldrums. That reminds me...

You forgot to flush again!

Thats one hell of turd meowntain.

Kitty sure looks proud of his meowntain.

That gigantic turd brings back memories of cleaning out litter trays and wondering if one of my dogs had become litter trained 🤣

Most of the people I hang out with are artists so we’re just doing what we’d be doing anyway. Trying to encourage other people to keep on keeping on because the process and engagement are enjoyable and some are but yeh some are really struggling.

Shall we just keep trying to keep things fun and interesting? 😄

Posted using Partiko iOS

Fun and interested sounds way better than run and disinterested. I got some news yesterday from someone who's been there, supporting my work, solid curator for a long time... they're taking some time off. I was all like:

All I can do is keep going, hope some new folks show up, help out. That's been the hardest for a lot of people though. A lot of content producers taking time off; they're also curators. Then more follow. Ugh. Gotta keep it fun.

That video! XD That chandelier was a bit low? D:

Sometimes people need a little bit of time off. Hopefully they come back!

There's also a few steem clones coming up that people are exploring and I know some people are preferring some of the newer ones over steem.

lol. i did enjoy made me laugh. that's one long shit post.

I'm happy someone out there stills enjoys my shit.

I am trying to keep away from Steemit, not because of the subdued price but simply because I have other shit to do. This is why I may not be commenting as much as before.

Thats a long piece of shit.. btw.. ;)

You do what you gotta do. If you need shit though, you know where to find me.

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