Poloniex going GOX!

in #poloniex7 years ago (edited)

Bittrex trade volume exceeded Poloniex after recent events. I have to say that i was expecting it to happen couple of weeks ago, but i think the reason this movement happening slow is because there are still a lot of people waiting for a safe time to move or sell their BCC as well as trying to withraw their funds from their exchange wallets. It is a painful and frustrating process, but once it happens i expect more users to arrive on Bittrex.



Thousands of users are waiting for their BCC to arrive on Poloniex. I think their first plan was to never pay those coins, but since the price of BCC plummet, they seem to changed their mind. I am not even sure if they will actually pay as they have announced in their last post. Besides, BCC price keep falling while we are heading to their promised payment date.



Holding BCC, offline wallets, avoiding tickets and recent changes in Terms of Use. I tried to find their office location, but there is so little information about them which is even more worrying. Their registered address is "Poloniex, Inc. c/o Cooley LLP
500 Boylston St Boston, MA 02116" but no picture of their office ever shared on internet. According to Google maps, this is the location:

I have a feeling Poloniex going GOX! Even if i am mistaking, there is still enough reason to stay away from this exchange service. While i was trying to track down their office address, i came accross hundereds of posts on different platforms sharing unfortunate stories. Here are some of them:

If you have some coins on Poloniex, i reccomend you to try withhdrawing them(search for some coins that they actually pay) and don´t use the service again. Stay safe Steemians!

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Poloniex yeni GOX oluyor!

Bittrex piyasa hacmi son yasanan olaylardan sonra sonunda Poloniex´i gecti. Sunu soylemeliyimki ben bunun olmasini bir kac hafta once beklerken bu kadar gecikmesine sasirdim. Sanirim bu olayin yavas gerceklesmesinin sebebi Poloniex´de hala bircok kullanicinin BCC bekliyor olmasi ve bazilarininda varolan baska coinlerini cekmekte problem yasamasi. Gercekten cok sinir bozucu bir durum ama bu kullanicilarda coinlerini ceker cekmez Bittrex´e gececektir diye dusunuyoru.



Binlerce kullanici hala BCC odemelerinin yapilmasini bekliyor. Sanirim Poloniex´in ilk plani bu coinleri hicbir zaman odememekti. Fakat BCC fiyatindaki inanilmaz dusus ile beraber fikirlerini degistirmis gibiler. Halen odeyeceklerine olan inancim az, ama odemeler yapilsa bile bunun yapilacagi tarihe yaklastikca fiyatda cakilmaya devam ediyor.


BCC odemelerinin yapilmamasi, bazi coinlerin cuzdanlarini dondurma, maillere cevap atmamave kullanici sozlesmesinde yapilan son degisiklikler. Poloniex´in adresini bulmak icin biraz arastirma yaptim, fakat sirket hakkinda bu konuda o kadar az bilgi varki bu neredeyse imkansiz. Tabi bu durum kaygilarimi biraz daha arttirdi. Sirketin kayitli adresi "Poloniex, Inc. c/o Cooley LLP 500 Boylston St Boston, MA 02116" fakat bu adersten paylasilmis sirketin burada olduguna dair veya ofisin icinden cekilmis bir resim bile yok.Google map bilgilerine gore o ofis burada gorunuyor:

Benim dusuncem Poloniex´in yeni bir GOX faciasina donusecegi. Bu dusuncemde yaniliyor olsam bile, ortada bu sirketi kullanmamak icin cok sebep var. Sirketin ofisini bulmak icin arastirma yaparken yuzlerce kullanicinin magduriyeti ile ilgili mesajlara denk geldim farkli platformlarda. Iste bunlardan bazilari:

Eger Poloniex´de coinleriniz varsa sizlere bunlari odemesi digerlerine nazaran daha sorunsuz gerceklesen bir coin ile cekmenizi tavsiye ederim(bu konuda bazi yazilara kucuk bir arama ile ulasabilirsiniz). Yatirimlarinizin guvende olmasi dilegiyle.



Son kalan 5 tane gridcoin'imi bile çektim:-) 10 cent 10 centtir mantığıyla:-)

It's kind of interesting. Poloniex grow much more than it can handle I guess. Tickets with no returns, DDoS attacks and holding withdrawals of some altcoins, even Steem... All points some problems at polo but I can not say it is not safe any more. They need to invest some infrastructure for sure.

i have been completely happy with Bittrex. Bitfinex has rationalized shorting bitcoin owners 15% of the value of BCC to cover their margin traders. They may see a class action suit for that. I, also, have read user complaints about Poloniex and have avoided using it. Thank you for your post. We must keep each other informed. The crypto markets are somewhat "wild west". Upvoted.

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