What are the best ways to generate good business ideas?

in #business6 years ago (edited)

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Think out of your customers perspective, why do they have to pay you a lot of money? You know why some companies are successful and others aren't? They have a competitive advantage. That can be different things for example:

  • An important brand name. Coca cola is a good example.
  • Having a patent on an important invention. Often seen in Biotech, it's hard to develop new medicines (failure rates are high) but once it's approved you have a goldmine.
  • High cost to change. Oracle is a good example of this. Customers are used to the software and it's a lot of work to change everything to a competitors software program. The staff usually gets a special training to work with the software which has a unique interface.
  • Networkeffect. Facebook and Ebay are good examples of this. Most people use Facebook so it's a popular place to meet. Which is a self reinforcing effect. Same for ebay, it's the best way to buy and sell because all the action is taking place there. 
  • Distribution advantage. Having the most efficiënt distribution can sometimes mean being a winner.
  • Costs advantage. When you can produce the cheapest you can out price your competitors. 
  • Scale advantage. Because you are bigger than your competitors it's easier to organise things. You can command more discounts from your suppliers because you're very important to them.
  • First mover advantage. When you are the first one to do something it's hard for a competitor because they need to move faster than you to make up the difference in market share. And you already have the knowledge and resources.


This book may give you some new ideas:

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