Can We Ever Ein a LOSING Battle Against GREEDY Gaming Publishers?! - Gaming Wars (GW) #6

in #gaming7 years ago

We have an ever growing problem of microtransactions in "premium" games, pay to win-casino style tactics, and "broken" games being released well before they are finished, only to be "fixed" with an update that should have been included from the start.


Add to that, the timed exclusives where games like Destiny sold at the EXACT same price on the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4, yet the PS4 version received more content. Why? Because reasons. Really, it was because of contract agreements. Sony and Microsoft pay a pretty penny for these developers / publishers to temporarily not launch their game on multiple platforms, which could hurt their game's success, but it must work because they KEEP on doing it.

The latest victim? PUBG. Yes, the most hype game for the PC is now an exclusive on Micro$oft's system until at least mid-2018. Wow...


But let's get back on topic. HOW can we ever win against a system like this? Why did we let it get this way? That's right... how did we let it get this way? More on that in another post. For now, this...

Can we win a losing battle?

Most people that play them love video games a lot. I mean, A LOT! They probably couldn't think of living without playing them at least here and there. And for those of us fans that just like to play them all the time, we even put up with crappy versions of older games we used to have a better experience with. For me, that was Halo 5. It's fun, and it's got very very VERY good elements, but I just can't think it's fun. It's frustrating and the weapons are inconsistent. For others, that would have been the COD series. For you, maybe it's something else.

It seems the newer the remake or continuation of the series, the worse the games are getting. I think I have a solution that will solve this problem though. And I know you aren't going to like it.

Okay... Still here? Good! We need to stop purchasing these games. Games I review now will be of friends that own the game. I will not donate one more dollar to what could potentially be a bad or incomplete game until other people play it, or I play it from someone who bought it.

If we dry up the guaranteed money well that these publishers depend on, they will either change their tune or go out of business, opening the doors for other publishers that we like to thrive and grow.

What do you think? Do you agree with my assessment? Comment your thoughts below, and don't forget to like, share and follow! ;)

image: here and here


this is really nice from you i like it

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