Technical analysis for today(2) Stratis STRAT Zcash ZEC Bitshares BTS Antshares ANS

Technical analysis for today(2) Stratis STRAT Zcash ZEC Bitshares BTS Antshares ANS

First part 

Stratis STRAT

Stratis was good compared to Bitcoin during the sale, remaining within the long-term consolidation model that we controlled. The coin kept above the level of 0.00215 on the BTC chart, and long-term support was about $ 5.75 against the US dollar. The declining short-term trend remains intact, and the positions that play on the rebound should remain small, as volatility will still remain on top.


ZEC broke several strong support levels during the correction both on the BTC chart and on a more volatile dollar chart. The long-term picture contributes to greater consolidation, as the coin recently reached new highs, and it entered a correction in a state of overbought. Short-term traders should wait with new long positions, while long-term investors can at their existing positions, if the currency conducts repeated checks of its latest lows.

Bitshares (BTS)

Bitshares slipped below the key level of 0.0001, which acted as support before correction, and found support at 61.8% of Fibonacci retracement, where it is currently trading. The coin is still in an advanced long-term trend, with the trend line slightly above 0.00008, providing a possible final target for correction and a good entry point for long-term investors.


Steem broke below 0.00075 during the correction and fell below other important support near the level of 0.00066, but the coin rebounded strongly above this zone. The declining short-term trend line remains untouched, and although Steem is below the long-term trend line. A quick rally will trigger a new buy signal.

Antshares AN

Antarshares was already in a steep short-term downtrend when the correction started, and it fell below 0.002 two days ago, but yesterday it was well above the lows. The 30-minute chart is already on the buy signal, and a break above 0.003 will further confirm the uptrend. The levels of 0.00315 and 0.004375 are targets for the rally, while the gap below the short-term trend line at 0.0025 will warn of further consolidation.


Dude I have followed you, plz follow me back



I also want to believe in the constant growth of the Crypto currency, but the technical analysis for this is that it would be technically feasible to carry out calculations, I expect a serious correction in bitcoin and a trend change.

You're thinking another correction is due for BTC? It has been trading in the $2-3k range for 6 weeks now. Do you think this level of consolidation isn't enough and that it should be heading south for some time? Any thoughts on the technical analysis to suggest that? Very curious :)

At the moment, I am frightened by a strong drop in market capitalization, as soon as this becomes more or less clear then it can be predicted.
Classical technical analysis is not so easy to apply to crypto-currencies, let's hope for the best and time will tell.

Though I don't speak Russian Google Translate was my friend today :) I understand what your fears are here. It has gone up considerably and we were just going through at least one phase of corrections. Let's see what happens

Yes, let's see how it will be, because everything depends on many factors, I personally really believe in crypto-currencies and wish them growth and development with the attraction of new investments and opportunities.

It's interesting how the dotcom boom and bust story keeps getting repeated over and over again. Everyone expects some Massive bubble to explode and tumble everyone's finances into the toilet. History does tend to repeat itself but what's funny to me is how the concept of the crypto bubble has been going on since 2015 or so after the collapse of Mt Gox and when Bitcoin started to recover again. Every month more stories of bubbles, when BTC was $500, $1000, $1500, $2000... Need I go on..

Everytime there was some kind of major down swing and consolidation... But ultimately it went back up. I think most thoughtful investors are aware of the risks and are ok with the volatility of the space.

Consider that back in February we were sitting at $20+ Billion market cap over all. Today we are at $100B. A corrective measure of 20-30% overall is pennies as I would have expected something far greater. It may yet come but the overall direction is still upwards in the mid to long term.

So many businesses are now invested in the space to improve it and make it more accessible. I can't imagine failure to be honest. But we will face volatility... And bad ones that will shake us to the core. That's ok as long as our love savings isn't in crypto :) It's either going to a zillion bucks or it is going to zero. No other way around it.

Happy trading and thank you again for the indepth analysis

Yes, people believe the stories and those who burned then think well now :)
I also sold all my 12 bitcoins in 2013 at the rate of $ 112 and in November of the same year it cost $ 1200 :)

Thanks , great analyse
can you do the same
with Golem (Gnt) and STELLA & riplle?
i follow you

Will try do it next time,thanks for follow ! Stay tune.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 64623.67
ETH 3421.73
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51