Steemit Engagement Challenge S5-W2 - My 3 Best Characters Vs 3 Worst Characters".

in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago


It is a proven fact that we humans have two sides, that is the good and bad. We tend to exhibit these two sides of us in our everyday life either knowingly or unknowingly. Sometimes we regret exhibiting the negative traits and we always feel happy when we exhibit the positive behavioral traits.

Those around us are usually happy when we showcase the good side of us whereas they are hurt or feel bad when the reverse is the case.

I am not immune to these behaviors. I also exhibit these two opposing behaviors.

I am glad that this contest has come to help me evaluate my behavior. It is said that the best reproof is the one that one gives to him or herself. It works like miracle.

What are behaviors or characters?

These are those series of actions or mannerisms which we as humans often display on our daily lives, it could be consciously or unconsciously which we are often identified with.

We are marked by these two contrasting mannerisms because we are not perfect.


List 3 characters of yours that are the best or good characters that you have. Explain them and how you display them.


As I said earlier, I have my good sides and my bad sides. Here,I am going to list the 3 sides that I like most when I display them which gives me joy and overall healthy feelings. Just check out the following:

Self-sacrificing Love



Self-sacrificing Love

Self-sacrifice is the giving off of oneself in behalf of others or to help them advance a course. It is obvious that when you help people at your own expense, that is self-sacrifice.

Love on the other hand is that feelings that is intense which one feels towards another person or the affection that is shown towards another person or thing.

When these two qualities are combined, they become unique, one of its kind. This is when one sacrifices his or her interest or desires in behalf of others. That feelings of strong emotional attachment that prompts one to give off himself to please others. When it is accompanied by love, then the person can go to any length to help or assist others.

I want to say that I exhibit this self-sacrificing love both to my family and to others. Here in steemit, I forgo making my personal publications just to assist others.

At home, I wake up very early to help the kids and family with duties. I also forgo taking care of myself just to care for others.

When moderating for other communities here in steemit, like the steemwomens club community and steemfoods community, I sacrifice my earnings just to encourage users to be active.

During steemit promotion, I ensure that I help those with me to get to the location and with some refreshments.

I do these not out of duty but out of love. I love seeing those around me happy and I feel bad when they are not happy. These quality of mine gives me joy and fulfilment.

However, I didn't just have this quality. These quality came about because I am doing my best to imitate our loving Heavenly Father, who is self-sacrificing (Ephesians 5:1).


A strong feeling or support towards something or someone. It is a state of being loyal to someone or something. When we attach ourselves to someone or something, doing our best to carryout our duties in support of the person or something, that is loyalty.

Here,it doesn't matter what others say or thing about the one you are supporting or the thing you are in support of. All you know is that you are convinced that you are doing the right thing at that moment.

As for me, whenever I set my heart to support someone or something, I do so wholeheartedly.

Note that such loyalty must be well founded before it can last. If not, it can just be for a moment or just so long as the benefits lasts.

Some persons are loyal because of what they get at the moment. Some are loyal because of the promise they are given and will remain loyal until that promise is fulfilled.

A well founded loyalty defies all odds. It doesn't matter whether the road is tough or smooth. It doesn't matter whether others are in support or not instead, you even go out of your way to encourage others.

  • Have I been loyal? Yes, to my marriage. I vowed to stick to my husband in favourable times and bad until death do us part. I am still in it and that is loyalty.

  • I am loyal to my family because I am still in it, assisting and helping out in whichever way possible.

  • I am still a steemian, remaining active and supporting others, helping them to also remain active despite what others may say or do.

  • I am true and loyal to my friends, not harming or betraying them in any way. But protecting their interest whether they know of it or not, whether they appreciate it or not.

  • Above all, I am loyal to My Heavenly Father who is also loyal to me (psalms 86:5)


This has to do with commitment and resilience. One who is determined to achieve results no matter how hard the route is. One who exerts him or herself in his or her duties. One who is result oriented and who is committed to duties.

One who go beyond the normal requirements of a duty or out of his way to ensure that the work is done.

This has just reminded me of a time when I was working for my employer after my secondary school. Yes, i started working as a receptionist in one establishment in my then city of residence. I worked really hard for the interest of the company that I became the one they were fond of. With time, I was even given the previllage of procuring goods for clients and delivering same outside the city just on trust. I was hardworking to the point that it was hard for them to let me go if not that I gained admission into higher institution.

Even at that, during school vacations, they will still allow me work for them. It was just amazing how I gained their love and support, working at odd hours without extra pay just to make sure that the work was completed.

And do you know what? During my matriculation, it was the woman that took her time to prepare the meal with her money which I served my invitees. I never asked for it and I never even knew she was going to do it. I just got a call from her that morning and she came around and handed the food over to me. Wow! That was a surprise to me. She told me that I deserve even more and she gave even more as the relationship continued.

Indeed hardwork pays off. It might be hard as the name implies but resilience can help one to endure in the work.


Would you advise others to display them?


Self-sacrificing Love, loyalty and hardworking are wonderful qualities that everyone need to cultivate. They are priceless qualities that earns one self-respect, love of other and above all, the love of God.

I will strongly advise others to try hard to cultivate these appealing qualities or behaviors because they have been tested and proven to be able to carry one through even in the most difficult situations.


What are the 3 worst Characters that you sometimes display that even you condemn?


Like I mentioned at the onset, I am not without flaws. I have them and I don't like them whenever I am done exhibiting them. Here, I am going to list them out.

They are those urgly behaviors that one display whether knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously.

Wanting others to behave like me (perfectionist)

I usually do not like it when I insist that others do things the way I do it or exactly my way. People are different and they may do things differently and still achieve the same goal. It is only good to advise a d guide someone and then you allow them to act it out. This is especially true when one is dealing with grown ups.

I sometimes behave this way and I am trying my best to curtail it.

Short temper

I get angry easily especially when the kids annoy me or even grown ups. And at the same time I want to tell them that they have done something wrong to be. I like letting them know imediately which the result may not be a good because they may get angry the way I say those things. But if it will be possible for me to wait and calm down before telling the one that has offended me, it can help to say it in a way that the person will understand me.

I am really working on this urgly trait because it is not good.


As the last child of my family, I am usually stubborn. Most times I refuse to do what I am asked to do especially when with my siblings and my parents are present. I sometimes do not listen to advise or instructions until I do it my own way and see the need to apply what others had told me. Well, this sometimes help me out of danger but in most cases, i don't feel good about it especially when I display it to my family members.

I have outgrown some of those silly behaviors but I am still working on some.


Will you like to stop them? What efforts have you been making toward stopping them?


Yes, I will like to stop those negative traits or behaviors of mine especially the ones that hurt those that I love.

When provoked, I try to stay calm and let go of the anger before speaking up or even let go if the offense is minor.

I try to give room for improvements and try to so learn other ways of doing things instead of insisting that others do it my own way.

I try to listen, obey and apply what I learn I stead of being stubborn. Even if I am not going to do what I am asked to do, I try to turn it down in a polite way and not being sacastic about it.

There is always room for improvements. As long as I am alive, I will keep improving on those things I am not doing right. What is most important is one being adjustable. It doesn't matter if you make mistakes but your ability to accept corrections when it is given, that is what makes the difference.




I have been able to write on those wonderful qualities or characters or behaviors of mine which I also admire.

I have as well written about the ones I don't often like after displaying them

I will advise that people imitate the good alone and not the bad.

Thanks to you all for reading through. Now that you know my behaviors, it is time for me to know yours at @graceleon @klen.civil @harferri and @nadiaturrina and here is the contest post link in case you have missed it.

Thanks a lot dear community for coming up with such self-examination contest topic.


This is my introductory post here


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Greetings @ngoenyi what a wonderful post you wrote there.
I can attest on your love and hardworking on this platform. We can see it in the multiple communities that tou are either an administrator or a moderator.

Out of steemit you also help newbies to grow and tou encourage them. I don't know if tou still remember but you ones assisted one of the newbies i introduced.

Through your dedication and kindness you have inspired many steemians not only on this platform but also in their daily lives including me.

Self-sacrificing Love

For me these 3 characters goes together.

If you are loyal to someone obviously you love the person and if you have Goals together you will work hard to achieve those goals. Personally, I will prefer someone to be loyal than loving me because sometimes love fades with time.

Yes, I will like to stop those negative traits or behaviors of mine especially the ones that hurt those that I love.

You know, someone cannot be perfect. Of course there will be negative traits. But sometimes it is those negative traits that amplifies our positive traits.

Thanks for your work and dedication to the new Commers friend @ngoenyi


 2 years ago 

Your detailed comment proves that you read this post line by line and I applaud you for that.

I am glad to have assisted in those ways you mentioned. It is what I like doing. I can only keep sharpening my qualities to keep being a better person. Thanks a lot for your quality comment. You deserve a cup of coffee ☕ or a bottle of wine 🍾

😂😂 I prefer a bottle of wine ma'am.

It was a pleasure reading your post

eres muy grande, tu sentido del respeto por los compañeros es muy alto, me enorgullece tener amigos como tu, saludos de mi parte para ti

 2 years ago 

Thanks a lot dear friend

 2 years ago 

Self-sacrificing Love

I can vow for these qualities one by one!
Leaving room for improvement is all the we can do (•ิ‿•ิ)
Good luck for the contest!!

 2 years ago 

Yes, as humans, there is always room for improvements. Thanks a lot for the good wishes. I await your entry

Thanks for inviting me to this contest. Your discussion about character is very interesting, dear. I am interested in participating in this contest. And in the near future I will compose an essay first. 🥰🥰🥰

 2 years ago 

I am glad you like it and that you are going to compose an essay in the near future. Success to you. I am looking forward to your entry

 2 years ago 

The good qualities listed alone has made me not to even notice that you also possess these bad characteristics in your article.
You've written well on this topic and as a person I would only love to emulate the good qualities.😊 It's interesting to know that you are also trying to let go of the bad habits.

Best wishes!

 2 years ago 

I am glad you are set to imitate only the good qualities. That is quite commendable. Thanks for your nice comment. I appreciate your visit. Hoping to read your entry soon

 2 years ago 

Hi dear you have describe your self with very kind words, so I can undersrand easily.. it s give me information and inspiring me. Everybody is not perfect, so we can change the worst thing inside ourselves with effort and trying to be better than before..
Greetings from Indonesia

 2 years ago 

I am glad that the writing is very simple for your comprehension. Thanks a lot for reading through the post and for your kind commendation. It means a lot

 2 years ago 

My pleasure..

Dear @ngoenyi, what great qualities you have here. They are really admirable. It is obvious even in the functions you Carey out in this platform. I also love the way you admitted to some negative traits and hope you will continue working to improve in them. Once more, good writeup.

 2 years ago 

Thanks a lot

 2 years ago (edited)

Goodluck ma


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