Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W4 | Decide, act and release.

in Reflexiones de Vida10 months ago (edited)


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Forgiveness is a topic that many persons have different views on. There are so many definitions of this word by people from various cultures and localities. Most at times, it extends beyond what we may imagine.

However, we have a perfect example of one who is always forgiving. He is known for forgiving errors, remembering that we are dust. He has not also dealt with us according to what our errors deserve and when he forgives, he never remembers them again but puts them far away from us. Checkout the quotes below

For you, O Jehovah, are good and ready to forgive; ... (Psalm 85:5 of the holy scriptures)

He has not dealt with us according to our sins, Nor has he repaid us what our errors deserve. (Psalm 103:10 of the holy scriptures)

As far off as the sunrise is from the sunset, So far off from us he has put our transgressions. 13 As a father shows mercy to his sons, Jehovah has shown mercy to those who fear him. 14 For he well knows how we are formed, Remembering that we are dust. (Psalm 103:12-14 of the holy scriptures)

Note that the above quotes were directly copied from the New world Translation of the holy scriptures, found at website

It is on this premise that I am going to use the contest tips to explore my own view of forgiveness. Please I will like @graceleon @petface and @heraidi to please read to know my view of forgiveness and as well make their own entry. The link to the contest is here


What does forgiveness mean to you?


Forgiveness is all about letting go of someone's errors against you. It could be that through an individuals action , spoken words or behaviour, we may be hurt and pained, so it requires we let go of the offense. Not holding it against the person again.

It is just like when someone is owing a certain amount of steem for instance. On a closer look, we just decides to council the debt, without asking the person to pay back the same amount of steem and without conditions attached. That is true forgiveness and that is how I also understand forgiveness to be.

Even the holy scriptures advices us to forgive freely.

Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Just as Jehovah freely forgave you, you must also do the same (Colossians 3:13 of the holy scriptures)

Now, let me try to talk more on forgiveness from 3 angles. The first one is exoneration.

  • This is a case of forgiveness where the the black board of error is wiped entirely clean by an individual, taking the relationship back to its former status before the hurtful action took place. This happens when what happened was entirely an accident, the offender never understood the effect of his actions and finally when the offender takes full responsibility of his actions without excuses for his actions and asks for forgiveness. In this case. If the forgiveness is not given, then something else is wrong with you.

  • The next angle of forgiveness is Forbearance. This is often done when the person apologizing also blames you partially for what happens. In this case, you might likely choose to forgive but not forget just to keep the relationship going. In this situation you are always alert to watch out to avoid further reoccurrence. Sometimes, the forbearance can grow to exoneration after having related with the person and no such thing happened again over a long period of time.

  • The third angle to it is The Release form. This usually occurs between business partners, friends, relatives who betrayed one another. This type does not require forgiveness, but the person lets the hurt go and moves on with his life ensuring that he is not overburdened by hate. That ends the relationship whatsoever between the offender and the person that is hurt.

So we can see the various aspects of forgiveness. However, the main aspect of forgives is the first one discussed which is rather very difficult to apply but very necessary that it is applied if only we will like to receive forgiveness from our heavenly father and who will not like to be forgiven? No one, not even I as a person.


In your childhood, do you remember that your parents forgave you for some mischief? Tell us.


Yes, I do. It is very obvious that as children, we do so many things that hurt our parents feeling. Some of them are just straight forward instructions while some are not. I wasn't free from mistakes or offense or errors in my childhood.

When I was small, I can vividly remember that going against some direct instructions from my parents. These disobedience came from the influence of friends I move with.

My parents set a time limit for me to return home from school every day. They noticed my association with some school mates who had a bad influence on me then. So to stop me from spending time with them, he provides that rule for me.

I deliberately stayed outside later than the time I should be home. They were not happy about it, but chose to let it go and forgave me after several counseling.

As a parent today, I clearly understand that their decision to forgive was not easy but out of love, consideration and kindness and that their intention was for my own good too.

I also remember when in my childhood, my mother will tell me to come to the farm after school but out of fear of snakes along the road, I will not go. In most cases, my mother understood and forgave me, she even suggested that I can come with our dogs which was a wonderful suggestion for me then.

In another occasion, I lost the money that I was given to go buy foodstuffs. I searched for it but didn't find it. I was afraid to go back home but when I finally mustard up courage to go, thinking that I will be severely punished, I was forgiven. Only mild counsel was given.

I can't quickly forget these situations. They thought me great lessons in life and growing up and becoming a parent, I need to be considerate of the mistakes of my children. After all, it's not as if I have stopped making mistakes totally as a human.


Do you consider yourself a spiteful person?


A spiteful person is one who is mean and has the wicked desire to always revenge. It is that desire to repay a person for a wrong you think he did to you. That person have an avengeful spirit.

I am not a spiteful person, neither do I seek to revenge for a wrong action done to me. However, I try to ensure I have peace all around me, avoiding situations that would lead to being hurt again.

The guiding principle is what is recorded at Romans 12:19 of the holy scriptures which I have quoted below

Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: “‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay,’ says Jehovah.”

In obedience to this command, I try my best not to be spiteful but to even be the first to seek peace by asking for forgiveness even if I am not in the wrong. This has helped me to keep and retain well meaning friends.


Tell a brief story or anecdote, where it was your turn to ask for forgiveness or the opposite, they asked for your forgiveness.


I once had friends that I was so close to. I took them as part of my family. I wine and dine with them at every moment that presents itself. It was really fun being with them.

However, some events occurred which they where not fully aware, neither do I even owe them any explanation for that since it does not affect or concern them in anyway. Neither did they come for further enquiry to know more about the matter.

I was so surprised to see various spiteful text messages calling me all sorts of derogatory names. It was really painful knowing that I never hurt them in the first place.

Despite that, I took the initiative to approach, still apologized and asked that we all move on. But to my dismay, it even got worse, implying that the acceptance of my apology to them was fake, it never came from my heart.

So I personally decided to move on, let go of the burden and enjoyed a fresh breath of life and new friendships.




The spirit of Forgiveness is a divine quality. It helps to create and maintain a loving and flourishing relationships as a husband, wife, mother, father and children including friends.

It is always good to entirely forgive and forget in the sense that you will not add the wrong, or remember it when anything happens In the future between you and that person.

  • Friendships last longer between two good forgivers. I have also found out that in most cases, it is one person that holds the relationship who is a good forgiver. Hence, any day that one decides not to forgive, the relationship suffers.

Let's always be forgiving, it is golden!

Success to you all!


This is my introductory post here


 10 months ago 

Saludo amiga.

Ha sido un placer tu participación y opción con respecto al tema del Perdón, ciertamente es un tema del cuál todos tenemos nuestras propias experiencias y forma de verlo, sin embargo creo que todos coincidimos en que el perdón es una forma de liberación y de ayudarnos nosotros a estar mentalmente bien.

Todos los aspectos que has mencionado están presentes en torno al perdón, y estoy de acuerdo creo que agregaría el enfoque del Amor, porque cuando damos o pedimos Perdón el amor es fundamental para que el acto se cumpla a cabalidad.

Buena suerte con su excelente participación.

I think I would add the approach of Love, because when we give or ask for Forgiveness, love is essential for the act to be fully carried out.

You are right. This approach is at the root of forgiveness. Without love, there will be no true forgiveness. Thank you so much for your comment and contribution, it is appreciated


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Thank you @irawandedy for the support

Forgiveness is indeed golden and a necessity for positive friendship with God and Man .

Kudos and good luck on your entry

Thank you dear. If everyone learns to forgive freely, then good relationships will thrive. Thank you for your comment. I appreciate

Your welcome. Your posts has always been a blessing after all.

Woooo😱 si tan solo se aplicaran todos los textos antes mencionados los resultados fueran otros y con mucho éxito .

Muchas personas van a reuniones y leen la Biblia para aplicarla a otros pero no sé autoexaminan para darse cuenta si lo están aplicando en su propia vida.

Es cierto el perdón trata de humildad y no de reproches ni condiciones ni amenazas el que lo hace así lo está haciendo bien ante los ojos de Jehová y él está observando en lo secreto quien es sincero y quién no .

Que lamentable el hecho ocurrido con esos que tomaste como familia y ahora te ven como falsa 😱 hay que trabajar mucho en uno mismo para poder ser transparente.

No nos ha tratado según nuestros pecados, ni nos ha pagado lo que merecen nuestros errores. (Salmo 103:10 de las sagradas escrituras)

El texto anterior es tan profundo que quien llega a entenderlo de verdad no se atreve a poner condiciones para perdonar verdad ngoenyi? Que gran Dios amoroso tenemos que nos educa y nos muestra misericordia para que también lo hagamos con los demás .

Sigamos aprendiendo del PERDON desde el punto de vista que lo muestra Jehová .

Thank you

No cariño 😻 gracias a Jehová no siento rencor y te he perdonado así como lo ha hecho madilyn02 que en su corazón te perdonó y sin condiciones porque es así como se perdona, quien pone condiciones es quien no está perdonando de corazón.

Sería una alegría inmensa disfrutar del nuevo mundo que nos promete Jehová junto a ti pero para eso todos tenemos que trabajar en nuestro crecimiento y no soy miope, quizá hay cosas que aún no he profundizado pero en eso estoy, estudiando para aplicar a mi misma lo que aprendo .

Todos agradecemos que el Todopoderoso no sea humano porque si no ay dioss mioo .

No vine a comentar más que porque de solo ver los textos citados me llaman la atención de que están tan claros y entendibles y pocos lo comprenden y lo aplican . Pero jamás a incomodarte, a menos que tú conciencia si esté bien entrenada y algo te está indicando .

No eres alguien que concede la entrada al nuevo mundo y ni siquiera estás seguro de si estarás allí con tu actitud entrometida.
Hablando de conciencia, la mía siempre está limpia y clara. Tengo la conciencia tranquila, pero dudo que tú la tengas. Sin embargo, que todos sigamos trabajando para tener una

A esto diré : ................ que de la abundancia del corazón.........

Que Jehová tenga misericordia de ambas entonces sigamos orando una por la otra para que se nos conceda el favor a las 2 pero Jehová nos conoce mucho mejor y algo bueno hay visto en ambas, solo tenemos que actuar con pureza .

Que bueno editar y borrar los comentarios anteriores porque habían palabras feas igual los ví en steemworld

Much love😘. Steemit unites

Saludos amiga steemian, el perdon es la esencia misma del amor de Dios, de hecho es la muestra mas grande de amor al el darnos su perdon cuando NO somos merecedores de su misericordia y amor infinito; hasta 70 veces 7 dice la plabra de Dios que perdonemos, una cantidad hipotetica para reseñar que sea infinita la capacidad de perdon; seria fabuloso honrar a Dios y colocarlo en pactica de corazon. Felicidades por tu exitosa entrada. Saludos cordiales.

Thank you for bringing out that point of upto 77 times. Yes, forgiveness is limitless. We just need to keep forgiving if we need to be forgiven. Thank you so very much for your wonderful contribution and comment, I appreciate

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