DESIGN TO REIGN by @newbreed

in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)


For whatsoever is Born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcome the world even our faith 1 John 5:4

If a cat gives birth, it can only give birth to a cat, if a dog gives birth, it can only give birth to a dog. A dog can never give birth to a cat, it's not allow, same thing with human, a human being can only give birth to a human being.

Another interesting fact about this is that, when a dog gives birth to another dog, it doesn't necessarily need to teach the puppy how to live the dog life, because the puppy is born with the life and nature of a dog hence living a dog life becomes natural to it. The puppy bark without necessarily having to be train to do so.

The same thing is with us who are God's children, when you are born again, you are born of God and by default you are like God. The God life in you is program to always reign.

God cannot fail, God cannot loose, in the same way, we cannot fail nor loose.

Sometimes it may be very difficult to understand this truths because we have allowed ourselves to be so cultures by the world such that we almost forget who we really are. But if we allow ourselves to be cultured by the word of God, we will so grow to become all that He wants us to be.

The devil takes advantage of our ignorance, when we don't know who we really are, he seems to ride over us, but when we come into light and the word of God is that light Satan looses his grip over us.

You were design to reign, because you are born of God. sickness, poverty, death is not supposed to reign over you. In Christ sickness, poverty, death has been brought under your feet.

Refuse to allow what has already been defeated to bring you down. Christ in you the hope of glory. You were born for the glory of God, you are His offspring, live like one.

If Satan brings sickness at you, rise and rebuke that sickness in the name of Jesus. You maybe be reading this post right now and you are struggling with your health, declare that you are a child of God therefore sickness has no place in your life.

When you wake up everyday, open your mouth and declare the word of God over your life. Your life is connected to the word of God, that's your source, as you speak it everyday, it becomes your daily experience.

God bless you
Best regards
#@newbreed @Heartchurch @ijelady

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