Rumors of The Neverending Story being remade.... NO!

in #movies3 years ago

If you aren't 40 you probably don't even know what The Neverending Story is but it made a huge impact on those of us that were alive in the 80's. We loved this movie and would rewind the VHS cassette over and over again to watch it again and again. If you have seen it, you already know the song in your head which did really well on the music charts at the time.

This is one of those films that has such amazing scenes that stick with you for your entire life and it was just a perfect movie given the technology available at the time.


This was a time when the entire film wasn't CGI because CGI didn't really exist, not because they didn't want it. The scenery and fantasy creatures had to be created using really inventive animatronics and very creative cinematography using puppets in such a way that required real genius to accomplish.


I can still hear the soundtrack in my head as the story progresses and honestly, the story really was kind of hokey when you consider that it was just a kid skipping school that was afraid of some bullies that walks into a rare books store and simply by reading this tome of a book he is able to put the pieces of an actual universe in motion not just in his head but in real life.


I don't need to spell the movie out for you. Either you know it or you don't and if you don't maybe you should keep i that way. If you have already seen the film and have fond memories of it perhaps it is better kept that way as well because I have found time and time again that revisiting a childhood favorite film with today's eyes and standards of special effects can lead to you being disappointed and kind of ruining your childhood memories.

I'm not crying.... you're crying

So the word on the street is that several people are contemplating remaking this movie including James Cameron... who has no shortage of money to have a good go at it but I sincerely hope that they leave this alone.

I want all of you to think about remakes of classic films that have been good the second time around and write them in the comments because they really are not that prevalent. I can think of plenty of attempts and one of them actually involves the kid in The Neverending Story as he was young Conan in the original Conan that Barbarian film which was such a horrendous and unnecessary remake that was just terrible.

I hope that James Cameron and whoever else that is thinking of remaking this 80's classic has the good sense to step away from it because even if it does make money it is not going to do the film justice.... there isn't really any way that it possibly could do it justice.


What makes The Neverending Story so special is precisely the time period it was made in and the tech that existed at the time. It isn't necessarily an amazing story that need to be remade. I really think that if someone does remake this they will only ruin it... the same way that basically every other 80's remake has always done the same thing.

I can't imagine any scenario in which remaking this 80's classic ends up being a winning situation for all parties and honestly, the amount of money they would need to sink into it today would put it at -100 million dollars right at the start. The original film cost $25 million to make back in 1984 and at that time that was a crazy amount of money to spend on making a film. They made their money back and influenced the minds and hearts of many a 40-something that is still alive today. I am extremely hopeful that they will leave this one in the past and not try to revive it with Jason Momoa or something.

If you have seen the original film and are a fan I would love to talk to you about it.


Cameron would actually make a decent choice for the candidate to do a remake of this. His films back in the day were par excellence, and so is Avatar.
When you get a remake, the original is still there; it's just that the new audience likely wouldn't understand the context of the time when original was released, and thus the original usually gets unfair associations with the new version.

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