in #fashion5 years ago


-Hello Logan! We're very happy to feature your art and have you on our DARKNET blog! Your vision is so distinct and unique, with so many details, sometimes with familiar characters from Cartoon Network and more. Tell us little more about how you developed your artistic style!

Hi! Thank you for the feature! My style was developed by searching for the best way to represent how I'm feeling, and to keep records of dreams and memories. I grow and change, so do my concepts and techniques. I like to mix my current ideas with nostalgic symbols and icons, so I can show the viewer something that doesn't initially make sense but is relatable.


-How long have you been doing art? Please tell us a little about how you got started and how you have grown over the years!

I've been drawing and painting for as long as I can remember. I started off drawing animals and dinosaurs as a kid. My goal was to draw exactly how I saw them on tv or in books. I realized pretty quickly that I could impress friends and family and strangers by drawing just about anything, so I drew often and everywhere. Some time, after high school, I began exploring the more psychological concepts and abstract forms while incorporating cartoon characters I like. Nowadays I make it a point to keep a child like state of mind when it comes to creating.


-In your art we see objects and characters almost fade in one another, almost creating more dimensions. How did you come up with this unique technique?

This part of my style is heavily inspired by contemporary cubism. I also study anatomical and architectural diagrams, because they show the interior and exterior of subjects.


-Please tell us more about your artistic process! How do you go from concept to finished piece? What materials do you use?

My mind is usually flooded with ideas. My process begins when an idea really stands out from the others, or at least, when I can grasp one for long enough to manifest it. I start marking the canvas, and form the characters and shapes that I see as they pass through my minds eye. Once the subject is clear or unclear enough, I move onto the next. I mostly use graphite, ink, acrylic, oil paints, color pencils, and crayons. I like to draw with just about anything that makes a mark.


-Do you listen to music while you create? If so, what kind and how do you see it affecting your finished product?

I like listening to music while creating. I find myself exploring a lot of electronic music. Recently, I've listened to plenty of lo-fi house/hip hop mixes, hardcore rock, and R&B, but I draw inspiration from all genres. The right music helps me really get into the mood I want to portray in a piece.


-How often do you set up exhibitions? We would love to know if there's any upcoming one!

I have exhibitions once or twice a year. I'm happy to say this year I've done more live painting, and have two exhibitions being put together for this summer in New York.


Finally we would love to ask - What would you say to up and coming artists who want to pursue their passion?

Do it now.

Do not conserve paint.

Stay curious.

The point is to inspire others.


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