Examination Malpractice and the ways out

in #education6 years ago

Some times ago, my cousin, who's now a pastor was telling me of his experience at the theology, he told me how strict examination invigilation was back then when he was still a student.
I was very so shocked.
my question was, do the theology students need invigilations?
Are they also involved in examination malpractice?
He laughed at my questions and walked away.
I couldn't help but laugh even harder
Students can go extra length to do malpractice, forgetting that the time spent on the strategies of malpractices can be used to prepare for the same exam.

Examination malpractice is at every level of education, from as low as the primary school to as high as the tertiary institutions, it's even terrible in the secondary schools.
No matter how attractive the act is, it is still very wrong not just for the students, but the school, the country and the world as a whole.
Examination malpractice is common in a community where so much pressure is on students to pass than to understand.
When I was in the university back then, there was this this time we just resumed a new semester, there was this particular lecturer in his first class has started telling us things like 'if I asked you to define fuzzy in the exam', if I asked you to get ANOVA in the exam' etc. I was so worried and confused that,
is this happening on the first day of resumption?
Students always come up with new ideas of cheating, they always think far ahead when it comes to such situations.
So they always believe they cannot be caught, forgetting that their lecturers were at a time students and even some at that point.

Though there are lots of factors which influences/encourages exam malpractice but let's just look at some of them briefly.

PRESSURE: In this part of the world where certificate gets you jobs and takes you places, no one cares how you got the certificate, all they care about is you getting the certificate. So in this situation, one will be compelled into getting involved into the evil act.
Pressure from parents is another huge factor. Here in Africa, almost all parents wants to be referred to as the father/mother of an Engineer, a doctor, an Accountant, a lawyer etc without really knowing the child's ability in school, all they care about is the certificate and the 'big' courses of study. Not really knowing if the child is good at such courses or not.
Some parents even go to the extent of pressurizing their children into the courses they want for them, not what the child wants or what the child is good at.

PARENTS: Aside from pressurizing their children into doing the wrong courses, some parents go as far as giving bribes to teachers, invigilators etc just for their children to do malpractice, and get good or better grades.
They prefer bribing their ways out rather than giving the child quality education and encouraging them to shun examination malpractice.

NOT GOING FOR CLASSES: There is never any magic to it, if one don't go for classes one tends to read stressfully, and this will definitely result in not understanding well, which then make one to be involved in malpractices. Aside from missing on the key information, explanations, and the fun/pressure during the classes, one tends to miss assignments, short quizzes etc if one don't go for classes.

Other factors include but not limited to peer pressure, not asking questions, not belonging to one reading group or the other, limiting oneself to just the class, etc.
The act is evil, it's best one don't give one any reason to be involved.


  • Parents, government and the society should reduce the pressure on there children on her citizens.
  • What can you do should be encouraged, instead of what certificate do you have.
  • Attending classes regularly does not only prepare a student for examinations, it prepares one for the society and for the future.
  • A reader is a leader, so it's very good one reads anything readable. Not limiting oneself to just educational books, but to anything written or printed.
  • Stay away form friends who don't make you have time for yourself, I always tell people that 24 hours is not enough but can be too much, depending on how one use it. So stay away from the friends or people that will not make you use it wisely.
  • Start preparing from the beginning of the semester or the beginning of the term, not when it's a week or two weeks to the exam, for starting very late is a regular practice among students, but it's very wrong.
  • Ask questions from the lecturers, friends, course mates etc. I strongly believe that the best teacher is ones peer.
  • Even malpractice is for those who read, so it's of no use to you if you don't read.
  • Not everyone is born genius, or a genius, also our assimilation rates differs, so it's best one knows oneself, how, where and when one can read and understand very well.
    Some people read and understand in quite environment, while some need a reading partner to understand well. So study yourself and know yourself.
  • Remove the thoughts of exam malpractice from your mind, if you do so, one will be able to concentrate while reading. If one knows one will cheat during the exam, reading will be difficult as ones brain has been directed to the fact that one will cheat.
  • Schools should be encourage regular continuous assessment, which will not only help the students get good grades but also prepare the students for the examination.
  • The guidance counselor is not just there to receive salaries, students are encouraged to walk into their offices and talk to them. Majority of them are good at their jobs.

Exam malpractice is evil, it's a form of corruption, all society frown at it but encourage it directly or indirectly.
There are stiff penalties for examination malpractice in every society, in Nigeria for example, see here http://lawnigeria.com/LawsoftheFederation/EXAMINATION-MALPRACTICES-ACT.html
Stiff penalties but they are not really being carried out.


Thanks for your time.

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