limiting beliefs

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Only we limit ourselves

Do you remember what you wanted to be when you were a kid?
You might have wanted to be an astronaut, a professional athlete, or even the president.
As children, we have such vivid imaginations and get so excited about the visions we have for ourselves and our future.

Do you remember the teacher asking you, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" I dont remember all of my first-grade classmates' responses, but I am positive that no one responded, "When I grow up, I want to be told when to show up, what to do, when to do it, when to eat lunch, how much money I'm allowed to earn, and when I can go pee."

Growing up we all had big goals, dreams, and aspirations.
Somewhere along the way, someone told you to stop being unrealistic.



Years and years of schooling, telling us to do things a certain way.
Years of getting tophies even if we didn't realy win.
Years of being told things are black or white.
Years of having someone swoop in and take care of things for you.

All of this has limited our ability to see our true capabilities.

Is it true that some people are smarter than others?
Yes, but who cares? We don't need to be Bill Gates or Steve Jobs to have a life full of love and success.

Let empathy lead the way

Negative people

People are going to be negative, often times we wont know why.
We have no control over these people, what we can control is our response.

Either internalize and believe what they say, or know they are incorrect.

Try to understand why they might have a negative view

  • Is it because they tried the same thing and failed?
  • Is it possible that for years they were told they couldnt do it and have internalized it as fact?
  • Could it be that they can't comprehend, due to limit of knowledge, how it could possibly work?


Based on your Response to an event you will get a certain Outcome.

Remember every emotion you feel comes from your physiology.
Change your state of mind by moving your body in a more confident way.
If you are making gestures of certainty you will automaticly get more confident.

control your mental focus.
Stop focusing on what you don't have, start focusing on what you can do to get more of it.


i try to change my perspective a dozen times but i keep gravitating back to where i was in the first place: comfort zone. There are lots of motivation posts but lacking on how to really do it. I guess the challenge lies within you to change.

It's all about the mindset :)

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