Chile, Concepción an unforgettable city

in TravelFeed4 years ago (edited)

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Hello friends, today I will tell you about the city of Concepción which is famous for being a university and cultural city. It is located in the eighth region of Biobío, the central-southern part of Chile.

Plaza de Armas de Concepción

Conception Cathedral

I had the opportunity to get to know this beautiful city and its surroundings, thanks to the invitation of some friends, they live on the outskirts of the city in San Juan, a small town.

We visited the University of Concepción. Here our host Ana María studied and graduated. A beautiful university campus at the foot of the mountains.

Central area of the university campu

Central area of the university campus

We walked through the different faculties of the University and we were able to see in the paleontology faculty's entrance a prehistoric fossil building that adorns the campus and its recreational and rest areas.

Paleontology Faculty’s

We went to the Pinacoteca, here I'll show you one of the most important murals in South America, which was declared a Historical Monument, by the Government of Chile in

House of Art

We saw the famous Presence of Latin America mural, also known as Integration of Latin America. A 300 square meter mural, painted in acrylic on rough stucco, by the Mexican artist Jorge González Camarena between November 1964 and April 1965. It is located in the Casa del Arte. Campus of the University of Concepción.

Presence of Latin America Mural

This mural has a symbolic representation of the friendship and cultures of the Latin American countries. It was done thanks to the Mexican government, which showed solidarity with the Chileans, when in 1960 a strong earthquake shook the city of Concepción, leaving the university facilities in poor condition.

Presence of Latin America Mural

Thanks to the support of the community, government of Chile and Mexico, the financing and project to build on the foundations of the ex-Dental School, La Casa del Arte, were decided, there on this mural there are written verses by the great poet Pablo Neruda, which crown the entire work.

«... And there is no beauty like this beauty of America spread in its hills of stone and power, in its atavistic and eternal rivers ...» Pablo Neruda.

Presence of Latin America Mural

We left the city of Concepción and headed to Caleta de Tumbes, a bay that suffered like the city from the earthquake and tsunami that hit this region in February 2010.

Entrance to the bay

This population lives on fishing and seafood. In summer this area is very popular with tourists for its magnificent restaurants.

The town of Caleta de Tumbes

Fishing Port

Here we met Mercedes, a seafood vendor who told us about all the types of fish and shellfish in the area. In addition, she kindly accompanied us to tour the town with her and guided us to beautiful places while sharing many anecdotes of her youth. Then she shared her shrimp for us to try and give our opinion, we were able to taste those magnificent shrimps for free even though some of them were quite pricy. It was a wonderful day thanks to Mercedes, who kindly made our day an amazing one even though we had just met h

Mercedes who with her kindness and affection guided us through the city.

Crab stall for sale

Fishing Port

We learned that in each city in Chile the famous empanada is prepared differently according to each region. We left Concepción with the desire to return one day ...

Our trip through Chile was not over and would continue in Santiago.

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