How to harvest tomatoes in pots in our house, easy and simple. @FARMS

in #farms6 years ago (edited)

Hi #steemianos friends, especially my friends from @farms, today I want to share with you information that is very useful on how to harvest tomatoes in pots in our house. Tomatoes as we know is an herbaceous plant, native to Central and South America. In addition, they are the main base of most of our salads, and that is why it is one of the most cultivated vegetables. The production of tomato in containers can be very rewarding. It all depends on the steps you take and some things that can be done to increase the chances of success of getting many good tomatoes in a pot.

This is why I want to share with you very useful information to grow our tomatoes at home in pots, organic tomatoes successfully. Following these steps and tips, you will have a good amount of tomatoes, rich, tasty and very nutritious.


Use a suitable flowerpot
For our harvest to be successful is one of the paramount things, the bigger the better. Not all of us have enough space in our home, balcony, terrace or patio, so within the limitations of space, it needs to be as large as possible. With a depth of 46 cm, this depth is proportional to the width, so that the roots can develop with sufficient space.

It is also recommended that the pot be made of plastic and heavy materials, to be easy to move. We must also clean the pot before using it, be it new or used, to avoid diseases. And finally, you should place a bowl, shaped like a plate, under the pot, to collect the water that will drain.

The pot must have good drainage
The pot used must have holes in the bottom for good drainage and thus avoid problems due to waterlogging, that is, diseases or problems in the roots to grow. So that our substrate does not escape due to the holes, it is advisable to place a small mesh in the bottom of the pot, this way we will obtain a good drainage and we will avoid the loss of the substrate for a better growth of our plant.


A good mix
To make sure that the mixture is perfect and ideal for growing our tomatoes, it is best to prepare it ourselves. We have to make sure that we are going to grow on a substrate that has characteristics that are optimal enough for our tomatoes.
My ideal option is a mixture composed of 60% coconut fiber and 40% earthworm humus, the latter as I comment in the last publication is an excellent natural fertilizer and coconut fiber that despite not having any nutrient, is low porous and sponges the substrate which facilitates aeration.

Plant the tomato plant
Once we have our tomato, well obtained directly in our own seedbed, which makes our work much easier, we proceed to plant it in our pot.

First fill the pot with one third of all its capacity with the mixture that we have prepared for it. Then we place the tomato plant, which will go in cube or triangle form, its roots, since it will come inside a small pot or seedbed for transport.
It is placed on the third of the mixture of the pot and then more mixture is incorporated around the plant. It is filled until the neck of the plant begins. Slightly squeeze the substrate, so that it is a little bit dry and supports the plant well


The first irrigation should be abundant, the substrate should be well soaked and then wait for about 10 minutes. It is good that this first watering is very abundant and the substrate is well saturated, but always avoiding wetting the leaves, stems and the base of the plant watering the surroundings.

After this it will not be necessary to water every day, so the substrate should be observed daily, since the irrigation will depend on the climate. You have to observe and touch the substrate, to see that it is necessary to water. Avoiding waterlogging and water saturation, as it would lead to problems in the plant.

Tutorar Tomatera
In order for the tomato plant to grow, it will need a support to be guided and grow upwards. This is why it is necessary to place a "tutor", because this plant will be hooked to get firm, this tutor can get it in a garden store or if we have something similar we can use it too.


Protection against pests
One of the main problems of plants are pests, that is why to avoid this problem you can buy a small nylon mesh and put it around, or with support, sold in stores or on the plant.

After 2 months, we must fertilize our plant, mainly due to the loss of nutrients that our mixture presents over time, you can buy these fertilizers in any garden preferably organic fertilizers, or we can do them at home as you explain in the previous post.

Care of our tomato plants.
First we must avoid that the substrate remains dry, keep in mind in the season of the year in which you are, since the more heat it does, the more water the plant will need. You have to observe the plant often, and if there is a plague, treat it.

The plant should spend a few hours in the sun, about 6 or 7 hours, especially in winter. And last but not least you have to prune the tomato plant, eliminating the buds that appear above the leaves, with this it will help that only the main stem remains, thus giving bigger tomatoes and which will be better formed.



Beautifully crafted publication we @farms is pleased and find this post of great benefits to this community...... thanks for sharing the various steps on how to achieve massive harvest of tomatoes on pot.


SteemChurch Farm (@farms)

It is a pleasure to share useful information for our community always, thanks to you for the support and soon I will be showing you my harvest of ajies sown at home. @farms

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Thanks to you...

We mice were just thinking about enjoying some tomatoes with our cheese. Informative post thank you.


@sniffnscurry, Thank you for your support and I will be showing you my harvest of ajies planted by me at home.

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