How I cured cancer at age 13...and what I've learned since.

in #health6 years ago

When I was in school (it feels like a lifetime ago) my only ambition in life was to become a doctor. I began volunteering in a hospital operating room, and eventually working in a pharmacy, taking every health and biology class I could get.


At age 13 I watched my grandfather and hero undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments that destroyed his quality of life and only delayed the cancer that took him just a few short years later.

This inspired me to explore other options and I stumbled upon an interesting story from the early 20th century that led me to believe a better alternative existed.

A shipwreck in the northern Atlantic caused 40 people to be set adrift in a lifeboat. After weeks at sea a fair number of the survivors passed away due to malnourishment, dehydration, and exposure.

Upon rescue, several survivors never fully recovered a few more recovered slowly, but two men made rapid and complete recoveries.

Years later this story inspired a university medical team to question what it was about these two that set them apart from everyone else.


For nearly two years the medical students contacted and interviewed extensively everyone they could find in connection with the initial survivors. They compiled mountains of data concerning every aspect of these people's daily lives and habits to rule out all common connections and find that one thing that set those two supermen apart from the rest... And they found it.

Are you ready for this? They put ketchup on every thing they ate. Everything.

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But what was it about ketchup that affected the health and resiliency of these two dudes? The answer is surprisingly simple and might be the key to preventing many diseases, as I discovered all those years ago: beta carotene.

Yep. Carrots, tomatoes, and natural ketchup are loaded with this little miracle of nature.

To find out just what it was capable of I reached out to a family friend who just so happened to be a professor of botany at Auburn University and inquired after a botanical tumor causing agent called Agrobacterium tumefacción and procured a sample in a jar.

I grew out the sample and began my experiment. I'll spare you all the nitty gritty but AT causes cancerous tumors to form in many agricultural plants and trees and left untreated will eventually kill them.

But by germinating plants with water infused with beta carotene I found the tumors never formed. 100% success rate with preventative measures. I allowed some of my plants to develop tumors and for those tumors to progress to various levels before applying the beta carotene. Again, 100% success rate. The tumors shrank and disappeared and the plants recovered.

So OK.... Maybe you see the flaw here. I was a 13 year old kid without a laboratory. Probably my methods weren't flawless and AT isn't exactly cancer. However, this little experiment took me to win 2nd prize in the international science fair, and produced nearly $100k in scholarship money, as well as inspiring further research by real scientists with real laboratories.


The other thing it did was set me on a life long journey of scepticism, especially concerning the cancer industry. And it is an industry, make no mistake. In the US cancer treatments are very lucrative for the doctors that serve up their special poison to their patients. Chemo drugs can be got for a couple thousand dollars per treatment and resold for up to $20k each. And are largely ineffective.

In my search for a medical school I felt it was imperative that I learn as much about nutrition and preventative health as possible. But guess what? They don't teach that stuff at American Medical schools. Surprised?


I came to understand that healthy people aren't profitable people. And the pharmaceutical mafia is the most powerful lobbying organization in the country. Fuck that. This revelation ended my pursuit of a medical degree.

In recent years I've encountered several interesting facts about health, and cancer in particular. Even after trillions of dollars spent on research we still don't have any solid idea what causes it (probably there are many). And experts, although they claim all kinds of knowledge and understanding, are constantly in disagreement about it.... Could that be by design? I hope not, but greed is a powerful motivator.


A blushwood seed extract has been shown to shrink and destroy tumorous cancer cells within hours. An extract from a Brazilian hornet venom the same. In the last few years over 100 peer reviewed studies have proven the same about cannabis.

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My grandfather died believing that he was receiving the best possible care. My family believed the same. But always in the back of my mind I knew something was off. As his body withered away to nothing as my grandmother fed him through a tube.

The radiation ate away at his throat and stomach and caused him immense pain for the last six months of his life. And a couple of hack doctors added a stack of money to their bank accounts. Again I say: fuck that.


Today my dad is on his way to find out if he has lung cancer. He was recently diagnosed with diabetes, heart disease, and emphysema. He's literally walking out the door right now.

I have no idea what the tests will show and it matters little at this point. He's angry and sad, scared I'm sure (I'm only guessing because he's from the old school: "feelings are gay" mentality). And believes what his doctors and the media tell him just like so many other sheeple.


But if you look in his medicine cabinet you'll see it overflowing with doctor reccomended pills of all sorts. Look in the fridge and find meats and processed foods from end to end. The cabinets full of little Debbie snack cakes..... Fuck that.

That's where cancer comes from. Couple it with wage slavery and tax cow status and you have a guaranteed death sentence.

It's probably too late for him. But not for me, and probably not for you either. Eat some organic veggies man! Smoke a bowl of kine bud! Put down the doughnuts! Go out and get some fresh air by walking in the woods! It's only difficult at first...

Meditate on your life, and your death daily so you can appreciate the fleeting existence you've been given on this beautiful goddammed spaceship. Love and accept love at every opportunity because it's all that really matters in the end, and really is the best medicine for literally everything.

Fuck the doctors and experts. At the end of the day you are your own shaman and your health and happiness are in your own hands. Take control. You alone have the power to change you.


Well this was the most bad ass post I have read all day.
I am so sorry about your Grandfather and I am sorry that your dad is unwell too... but I agree with all of this. Cancer is too profitable to cure. It is a cash cow and unforunately people think that doctors are their only option.

I think living a healthier life and doing your own research goes a long way and in the end they can reverse the cancer much more effectively than radiation.

Well, dang. Thanks friend. I'm just a little pissed at the way things are going and feel a bit helpless at times. This one subject hits close to home for many people and I definitely agree that folks have a responsibility to look around and find and research every option before choosing to fill themselves with poison.

It's not just cancer though. Cancer just happens to be a $150 billion dollar industry in the US....and a particularly brutal thing to watch or experience.

Thanks again for your kind words, but just so you know: my dad's a dick and probably too mean to die. I reckon he will outlive all of us.

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