Navigating Crossroads

in #life7 years ago (edited)

01 RFG RS Awakening garden detail flowers.jpeg

How do we, I navigate crossroads in life when right in the thick of it?

In the past few weeks several close people in my life have found themselves at a point of crisis in their lives and I have too. Difficult truths have come to light and these have forced them to face themselves in a new way as well as make some tough decisions.

Although I've come to learn that support and undivided attention far outweighs advice when it comes to helping each other through life, within what's happening lately with friends I’ve found myself brimming with insights that I long to share as I witness and hear about each of their struggles with their situations and selves. I realized that in fact I’m the one who needs to hear my own advice! To hear it, I have to say it or write it so here I go.

The thing is, when things come to a head in life and we find ourselves facing big decisions, they have usually been a long time coming. Our minds and hearts have been “talking” around and around internally for awhile whether we’re consciously aware of it or not so it can be hard to decipher which voices within ourselves to listen to. Yet we desperately want answers so wind up feeling a sort of racing mind desperation trying to think through our situations.

Our racing minds however are not a great source of wisdom and can’t be counted on as a guide because they are usually embroiled in fear and flooded with old messages and socialized thoughts, rather than intuitive truths.

Our truths and insights need to arise from a knowing and inner clarity in our hearts, not from fear, so the sooner we can take our attention away from our racing or numb minds to feel and be present with ourselves, the quicker we can find some answers and relief.


And of course we're all susceptible to the very compelling temptation to dissociate during confusing times. We all have our methods of avoidance using extreme busyness, alcohol, drugs or some other kind of distraction. For me it’s an overwhelming desire to space out, get lost in the endorphins of social media or to binge-watch netflix. Basically stepping into someone else’s story is infinitely more attractive than what I’m feeling. Sometimes "checking out" is ok and I do it, but ultimately it doesn’t really help.

Truth is, my situation can cause me to find myself periodically in a panic during the day or night and in those moments I’ve found that bringing my attention to my body is the best place to start and is the only thing that really helps.

Taking care of myself on purpose with kindness is powerful, even if it’s the last thing I want to do. My methods are very simple and help to calm my anxiety and keep my focus small and sensory. If possible turning to mindfulness in action is excellent, but not always possible for me but one of the following always works:

  • lying down on the floor and just feeling my breath for 10 minutes
  • a 15 minute warm oil self-massage and shower is a really good one (I like the Abyanga)
  • doing something useful yet mundane like cleaning
  • of course Qi Gong and Yoga are invaluable even if only for 5 minutes.
  • automatic writing is incredibly useful as well. I just write down everything in my mind without editing, without examination, without format, I get it all out of my head so my hamster wheel of thoughts isn’t knocking around inside anymore. Every time I empty out in writing, I get a little more clarity, and feel a bit more present.

The key is to stay awake metaphorically otherwise I can sink into my mind and hours can slip away. I let the feelings happen if they come, but don’t worry if they aren’t there. I alternate writing with at least one other tactic on my list to help me return to my physical body and these are my go-tos and each of us has our own ways that will work.

One of my best friends is going through a difficult marriage betrayal that’s come to light and I’ve watched a crippling numbing shock come over her. In this case again, loving care of the self serves as an active contradiction to what caused the shock and is furthermore a great way move out of shock and revive her capacity to feel. This friend’s situation is the most extreme but all of us are having to digest realities, feel through our feelings to navigate our respective crossroads.

Without going too deeply into my own situation I’ll just say that I am facing some tricky decisions with my work. Although I always have projects/orders and interest in my work, the amount of income I seem to be able to generate has changed significantly and the past 4 years have seen a trend of never having quite enough money to cover overhead and pay myself. I’m tired physically, disheartened, sad, and truly confused. Do I stay the course and step further into innovation of new products -and debt - to meet the changing economy? Do I downsize significantly to a small endeavor with an affordable overhead and give up my goals and the large scale projects that require a large space and team? Is it worth struggling for something that doesn’t seem to be coming to fruition or am I giving up just as things will begin to happen? I want to be smart and make good choices for my future, but I’m just not sure what those are. And honestly, I’m pretty scared about making the wrong choice.

I’ve been thinking about this on and off for a few years now and have always had enough promising reasons to keep going and thinking that this scarcity is temporary. A few roadblocks have come up and have frightened me into reconsidering my previous hopefulness. Ceramics has been a true love and a catalyst for expression, personal growth and a livelihood for 25 years so this isn’t an easy decision to navigate. The many voices in me are so jumbled that I don’t know where my heart really is and it seems to be taking me awhile to figure it out. Therefore taking my own advice to do whatever I can to quiet my worries, and feel my feelings so that clarity can come is essential.

Something else worth mentioning is that crossroads and crises tend to have enormous gifts and potential for incredibly positive change bound up in them. While I know this, it can be an incredibly uncomfortable process! How best to face and handle the this so that we can find the gifts amidst the mud? There are no rights or wrong ways to deal, just effective and ineffective.

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Are you or anyone you’re close to finding themselves facing difficult truths or having to reckon with themselves and life in a new light? Love to hear about it and your methods for helping yourself.

Thanks for supporting my blog and process! All photos, text and artwork are @natureofbeing originals.


This is a very wholesome article.

There are many points I like about it. Obviously your advise is very good and your sharing of introspection is also very generous.

I particularly like how you note that it is times of turmoil/tribulation that have such big opportunities for growth/change.

I have found this also and always embrace fear/danger/trials/tribulations etc as it is such a great opportunity. Because most people are scared of fear or discomfort they run, hide, ignore, deny, district. Yet I have found by far the most beneficial method is to embrace it head on. It may be uncomfortable but it is a great opportunity for realization and transformation!

Blessings on the way∞§∞

thanks for the insights, validation and blessings @quinneaker! Courageously embracing all of life's gifts - comfortable and uncomfortable - is really the only way isn't it?!

Its not the only way but it is the wise and empowered way∞§∞

Sorry to hear you are struggling. I am not a stranger to similar feelings. I think it is hard to make a living as an artist (though that is something I have never tried myself). Wishing you the best. I believe things will work out for you.

thanks so much @bbrewer, your kind words are such a healing balm!! I too have the feeling that things will definitely work out well one way or the other.

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You, my friend, are a fantastic artist! It's so hard to be creative when you are always working under deadlines and wondering if you are going to even break even at the same time. You do well on Steemit. I have to wonder if you could sell some of your work here...just a quick thought.

thanks so much @rebeccaryan for the kind and supportive words, I really appreciate them and you! Actually I sold a piece to a steemian last week which was so heartening and it would be great to sell more for sure.

My dearest Ruth, or @natureofbeing here on Steemit... It was an immense pleasure reading this post of yours... As long as I'm following you, I've never seen something that elaborated, even though you're always to the point...

I'll start one by one because I have a lot to say... But I will try to be as brief as possible... First of all, that first picture WOW! I didn't expect it to, but I love the white!!! :D

Then, I'm sorry about your and your friend's challenges...I have been to similar phases a lot, especially the last 3 years, psychologically, financially, any way you can imagine. But lately I decided to fight it with positivism! Mainly because, as I always remember myself, I used to be a super optimistic person, always very cheerful - my nanny used to call me 'full of joy'! But then, one thing led to another and I became a shadow of myself, for quite a while. Unfortunately, as I once told my boyfriend @creutzy, who was also struggling with his own demons at the time, the only person who can save us is us. No one can help you out of the mud if you don't take all the courage you have left and do it yourself. And I'm a person who had always family and close friends there to help - but some moments, you are alone - and this is when you need to act.

I found meditation and yoga to be very helpful, but I don't have the discipline to do it regularly unfortunately, but I should, because now I do know it helps! I had now idea about automatic writing though!!! Besides diary, that I used to write when I was younger, I had no other 'writing' idea! I think that sounds awesome and I should definitely try it, me being so creative and loving to write! :)

I think I've said way too much already, maybe we can continue the talk on chat at some point (I still can't find you by the way! :( ) Upvoted and resteemed -keep amazing us!!! :D

Hi @meanmommy33, thank you for your thoughtful response :-). Firstly, I'm so glad to hear the white piece resonates with you, it's a ceramic piece that Rob and I made in collaboration and I posted about awhile ago, if you want to see the whole piece and know more about it, here is the post:

I like hearing about your journey with confusing times and appreciate your support and words of wisdom. I suppose we all get stronger and more self-realized with each opportunity to be courageous!

Automatic writing always feels to me like first emptying my head, then it becomes sort of a listening to my soul or channeling or something. Anyway, if you try it I'd like hear your experiences.

I've just tried to DM you via steemchat, hope that works.
Thanks again for your friendship and support!

I love the honesty, simplicity and genuineness in this post. These were my favorite lines: 'Our racing minds however are not a great source of wisdom and can’t be counted on as a guide because they are usually embroiled in fear and flooded with old messages and socialized thoughts, rather than intuitive truths.'

You're absolutely right. Our racing minds are never good at advising us about the right or better thing to do. This is why it is always best to calm down whenever we find ourselves in a tricky situation. For me, mindfulness does wonders too each time I'm stuck in a rut. A few weeks back, I had to make a very tough decision: whether to end my marriage or give it a try. Fortunately, I didn't listen to my racing mind and made a thoughtful, conscious and wise decision when I was in a sane state of mind. Mindfulness rescued me and my marriage and it has now made me and my husband feel happier than before. :)

Thanks for the thoughtful comment @sharoonyasir! I love hearing your great that you've come out on the other side. Today I think I've reached a good place in my decision as well. I will need to keep revisiting it but I have some answers for the present. Appreciate your words here and your support!!

I have bottled my emotions and thoughts inside for a long long time. Cannot share these with my family cos I don't want to upset them and also because I want to be fully accountable for my own decisions. Steemit has given me a great platform to open up and share my feelings with those going through similar or even different experiences. People like you here make it such a comfortable place. :)

This is a great place to share for sure, I too have found it to be freeing since it's outside of my known community. Great to meet you here!

I came for the pictures :)

awesome! I know this is a whole lot of text and the subject isn't for everyone :-)

a 15 minute warm oil self-massage and shower is a really good one " and a romantic one too :D xD

by the way half hour would be great ? :D for warm shower <3

yes you're right, a half hour is better for sure! and if one can get out of worry and into a romantic mood that would make a huge difference!

You have a great way of expressing yourself. I hope whatever decisions you make work out for the best interest for you in the future. 🐓🐓

thank you so much for your well wishes and well as the compliment!

it's like a very good content ...........sir ........i can also follow me for more upvote

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