Day 4 - Black and White Photography Challenge

IMG_8460 (1).JPG
photograph by Robert Streff, my amazingly talented partner who I think I may finally have brought over to the dark side (steemit)... or is it the light side?

On this Day 4, I nominate @calaber24p who's blog is generally financial and societal commentary with some personal anecdotes thrown in. I'm choosing someone who doesn't post about the visual arts for the sake of variety and challenge, his challenge that is ;-). I can't wait to see what he comes up with!

Here are the "rules":
• Seven black and white images that represent an aspect of your life.
• Present one image every day for seven days.
• No people.
• No explanation.
• Nominate someone every day, but anyone can join the fun.
• Use the tag - #sevendaybnwchallenge - as one of your five tags.

So, I have to admit that it's torture not commenting on each photo I post. I SOSOSO want to! So many unimportant things to say about them! It's a true challenge for me to be silent in this, and probably a good exercise for this woman of many words.



Do i need someone to nominate me to join the challenge?

you can just join, but if you like I'll nominate you tomorrow on my day 6!!!

Looks like he got some talent as well:) And also a great theme in this photo for the light side or dark... :D

he is SO talented and when it comes to photos he has much more patience than I do. thank you @kerlund74

wow excellent composition .. and very nice bw balance .. awesome mood. congratulations my friend love it 😍

thank you @artizm, I really like this one too

@natureofbeing, so patriotically ;) up

Lol, the funny thing is that Rob took this photo for his father who is a flag waving sort of guy. When I was filing through our photos, I truly wasn't thinking of the symbolism and only wow what a great shot!!

lol, really funny)

Can i post without nominating anyone?

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