What's Going on In The Natural Health and & Healing World: Curation #55

in #naturalmedicine5 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: What's Going on In The Natural Health and & Healing World: Curation #55

Please find that all our content is now visible on HIVE. We'll see you there!

All the same LOTUS lovin', and the same welcome - but on a far more decentralised, ethical and blossoming blockchain!

Much love!


I enjoy natural medicine too. I will definitely follow this page. I found this on #PYPT

Posted using Partiko Android

@blessedgirl is the wrong account since it hasn't made any posts :D

Posted using Partiko Android

It was simply missing the hyphen. I hope you found other posts valuable.

Ohh ye! The posts a valuable and sweet :D
I just wanted to help :D

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for featuring me! 🙏 ❤

You are welcome. Just about to practice on my nice smelling yoga mat and thought of you!

What a Kick Ass Curation!!! LOL.... Enjoyed. Resteemed. Gratitude for the feature. x

Leading the curation trail for both @ecotrain & @eco-alex.
Together We’re Making This World A Better Place.
Click Here To Join the manually curated trail "@artemislives" to support quality eco-green content.


@NaturalMedicine rocks! Love your curation and all the wonderful posts you have gathered together - off to read them now!
Thanks for putting this together and for creating a place for all us natural living, natural healing, health folks in the Natural Medicine Community!

I miss kaffir lime and leaves so much. We can't find them here in Suriname.

Thanks for the curation and exposure! 😁

Posted using Partiko iOS

Great roundup of posts.... DIY yoga mat cleaner is just the thing I needed. Have a happy and healthy day

found it #pypt discord, it's true that we are not sure that it will be effective 100% but still it's fine I think as long as it's not poisonous. We can't experience side effects that could be fatal, it's herbal after all.

Posted using Partiko Android

@metametheus shared this wonderful curation during PYPT this week and there are some great posts here! Big fat "kudos!"  to @frejafri for designing such a fabulous logo! That lotus flower with the heart is awesome! 💚

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