
in #voting6 years ago

The pressure to vote this year is huge. I've never felt it like this before.

So many signs. So may web ads. Phone calls, text messages, emails. I'm being inundated with folks I don't know telling me to vote.

Maybe I'm feeling that pressure so much this year because it's the year I've decided I won't vote anymore. Maybe it's because things are still getting worse. Maybe it's the system struggling because fewer people are giving it any regard.


Why does Google give a shit if I vote?

Whatever it is, I'm not voting.

I'm not asking for permission. I'm not giving anyone else authority over me. I'm not consenting to be governed.

Nate owns himself.

If you vote, you can't complain.


Fuck yeah. And yes the pressure is huge this time. I agree. I think it’s because no one really gives a shit anymore. The majority last election didn’t even vote. I like it. A lot!

Google has even changed their logo to, "Go Vote." No thanks, Google.

I didnt vote.

BTW love your top apps screen, half of them are decentralized social media platforms :-P

Lol I should make a dapps folder in my apps. Then delete everything else cause I have no space on my phone 😂



Whats your weku username?


Solominer just like on Steemit. You can find all the platforms I am on at the end of my posts. I try to include them all I am currently on.

Just @nate

On I'm @nateonminds
Bout to set up a try account. Thinking I'll go with @nateontrybes if it's available ;)

This is so funny! It was only by the time I got to the last few lines that I realized you aren't talking about votes on Steemit! I stopped voting years ago. Our government is so corrupt anyway that we're wasting energy and ink to write our X

Hahaha, oh no, Nate votes on steem for sure!

Yet another nugget that shows us that the same gang is behind all of it.
I do not consent to be governed

I look at voting as a learning experience and a chance to do the most good. You can influence people by participating to educate and inform. The mass voting is a trick because the masses dont educate themselves on the issues.

With a voting tax and test system we can include people that want to make changes and have skin in the game. This is the reason our founders only allowed for the voting of one half of one branch of government. The system its self created a two party system. Voting is more important to affect local issues and persons. States have powers while the feds only have restraints.

I disagree with not voting at all. Write your own name in if you have to but let your voice be heard. Work the system even though it is rigged. The system will never fail to work on you even without your consent.

Posted using Partiko Android

Voting isn't an exercise of your rights. Democratic politics is presented as freedom, but it is a counterfeit liberty. It can only be a trespass against the rights of others.

That is why the heart of my comment was to take action and educate people. People have to be shown the hypocrisy. When we take action locally the so called representatives can't run away to another geographic location to hide from the constituency.

When you pull the lever for other than the two party duopoly I believe more is accomplished. It is like speaking or holding your mouth shut. Which is more? I'll read your words and see how I change.

Posted using Partiko Android

A no vote is not a vote to take but to halt. It is not a vote to destroy but to save. I know the system is rigged. Look at the ongoings in Florida. I would most likely support anarchy but how do you solve another anarchist from taking problem?

Posted using Partiko Android

The problem with participating in the system is that you're giving away your sovreignty by asking permission.

When you go vote for a tax decrease, you're saying "yeah, I'd prefer taxes go down, but if you don't want em too, then I guess you can steal a bit more."

When you go vote for a ruler, you're saying "yeah, I'd prefer not to be ruled by an orange haired buffoon, but I trust the system to represent my best interest, so I won't cry if it doesn't turn out how I want."

Casting a vote for a specific candidate means you believe that the people next to you should be forced to live how that person wants them to live, and that you don't want to force them to do it. You're voting for someone else to force your ideals on your neighbors, possibly hundreds of millions of people, and a case can be made for billions of people. That's not how relationships between adults work, and it's not a system I want to voluntarily support or participate in. I'll do everything in my power to shake that influence without initiative violence.

As for action and education, I'm a serial participant in both and I couldn't agree more on their necessity.

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