Know what the body needs at 40.

in #stach5 years ago (edited)


@Steemit community, most people at 40 have a peak of intellectual stress (a career is being built, you must be in good shape all the time, all the time in a trend). But at the same time, brain cells do not update as quickly as those of 20-year-olds, and you have chronic fatigue and decreased performance.

In women during this period, the risk of hormonal disorders increases, leading to problems with the thyroid gland, the appearance of fibroids and mastopathy.

For men, it is time to prevent cardiovascular problems, that is, begin to control cholesterol and blood sugar.

The main thing at the age of about 40 years is the fight against aggressive environmental factors. It is necessary to maintain the body's water-salt balance, take care of the hydration of the skin of the face and body, maintain a normal metabolism and recharge the body with energy.

Women need:

  • Vitamins A (cod liver, halibut, beef liver, egg yolk, butter, vegetable oil, fortified with vitamins), B6 ​​(bean sprouts, asparagus, brown rice, peas), C (pepper, citrus, Cranberries, sauerkraut, kiwi) and bioflavonoids (garlic, ginger) improve a woman's immune system under stress and heavy loads.

  • Vitamin D helps calcium absorption in the body.

  • Magnesium (beans, asparagus, rabbit, turkey) protects against heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer.

  • Vitamin K (spinach, squash, peas, arugula and other green salads) is essential for bone health.

  • Those who follow diets and are limited to protein and fat should rely on foods with B6 vitamins and iron (buckwheat, beef liver, green apples).

  • There are vitamins that support the sexual function of women, which are designed to help those who suffer from weakening of libido and loss of sexual desire. To stimulate the production of female sex hormones, estrogens, you need vitamins E (vegetable oils, sprouted cereals, beans, beans), K (spinach, squash, peas, beef liver, egg yolks), as well as Sun folic acid (parsley , color and white cabbage).

  • A woman's body requires a lot of iron, because her level falls after the "critical days", which at this age due to hormonal problems can be very intense. Low iron levels lead to a decrease in energy, lethargy and a pale appearance.

Men need:

  • Antioxidant vitamins (vitamin A, C and E) protect the male body from the harmful effects of the external environment and slow down the aging process.

  • The vitamins of group B (B6, B12 and folic acid) help the production of homocysteine ​​(this amino acid affects the vascular system) and are necessary for the prevention of heart attacks.

  • The combination of zinc (shellfish, lamb, squash, porcini mushrooms) and retinol (vitamin A) improves male immunity, improves sperm formation and helps maintain potency.

How to fill the brain?

With chronic fatigue and stress, blood sugar often falls (a new fashionable disease of residents of megacities aged 35-40 is hypoglycemia).

When the blood sugar level is too low, brain cells and nerve endings do not receive enough energy. And they change to the "economic mode," which causes nervousness and weakness. The best way to increase the concentration of blood sugar is B vitamins in combination with the trace element chromium. They can be obtained from unrefined wheat grains, raw rice and fiber-rich vegetables.

Stress, poor ecology and lack of fresh air lead to a lack of glucose supply to brain cells, which makes them lethargic and lazy. To refresh your memory, you need vitamin B4 or choline (sprouted wheat, rice, oatmeal, green leafy vegetables, spinach, soybeans, cabbage, legumes), as well as vitamin B8 or inositol (brewer's yeast, bran, sesame oil, brain of beef, kidneys, liver and heart).

Healthy Food for over 40 years.

Both men and women should include them in their diet to reduce the risk of cancer, rejuvenate blood vessels and strengthen bones.

  1. Cherry tomatoes come first. In this tomato variety, it turns out that the largest pigment is lycopene, which protects the body from oxidative processes. Lycopene has been shown to help the body defend itself against breast cancer, cervical cancer, prostate cancer and heart disease.

  2. Flaxseed oil with its omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as linolenic acid, which nourishes and rejuvenates the internal organ cells. It is better than other vegetable oils to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol. It is enough to add a teaspoon of this oil to the products per day. But remember that it oxidizes quickly and does not tolerate sunlight.

  3. Cabbage (white cabbage, broccoli, kale). It contains healthy proteins of lutein, vitamin C, calcium and vitamin K. Eat cabbage at least three times a week, this will help maintain vision, strengthen immunity and bones, reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

  4. Dairy products. And to reduce the risk of diabetes, improve the elasticity of muscle tissue and inhibit the aging process, it is worth including yogurt, preferably sheep's milk, in the diet. It is rich in protein and contains almost no sugar.

  5. Nuts. Its enzymes increase the body's level of defense against tumor processes. Those over 40 are recommended to eat two to three nuts a day.

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