Responding to Other Social Media content via Steemit

Open confessional

First off I have a confession. Steemit is (of course) my main 'go-to' outlet for social media consumption, however I do ocassionally stray. Every now and then I find myself in the backwater of the non-rewarding neverlands of Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Worse still I succumb to the temption to respond to things posted on those sites.

Most of the time it's cool. The occasional one-line fling does no harm. However today one of my comments on a YouTube video was venturing into triple- digit word count territory. It was at this point I asked myself the question:

  • is this a just YouTube response or a potential Steemit post?

I'm sure some of you may have asked the same question.

It became apparent to me that with the right 'belt-and-braces' a well thought out comment or reply on YouTube/ Facebook or even Twitter can be easily turned into a Steemit article. This allow you to build your portfolio of original content. It allows your Steemit audience a chance to enjoy more of your creativity. It is also, if used right, an opportunity to introduce Steemit to a wider audience.


Here are some suggestions on how to respond to Other Social Media content via Steemit:

1. acknowledge that your post is a response

It's good to let the reader know early that your post is responding to something else. Some readers like to do the background reading first, form their own views before taking in your response. It doesn't hurt to afford them this opportunity early.

2. acknowledge (and if appropriate) plug the person/ content you're responding to

I love giving credit where credit is due. If someone else's creativity sparks creativity within me, I like to acknowledge them. If I'm a fan of someone's work the chances are at least one of my readers will be, so I see it as my duty to help make that connection.

3. summarise the post/ content you're responding

Some readers will not leave the luxury of your Steemit post. So it's good to summarise the post you're responding to in order to give them the full context of what you're responding to.

4. have something to say

All of this is pointless, unless you have something of substance to say yourself. Sounds self explanatory however readers will feel cheated if your original contribution to the post is minimal. Make your point and make it well!

5. leave breadcrumbs to your article

Final step, go back to the original source (on YouTube, Facebook or wherever) and leave a comment linking to your article. How much you espouse the virtues of Steemit will depend, use your judgment based on who/ what you're responding to. However your focus should be on a geniune response to the content that has peaked your interest.

6. do not spam

Obviously not every response/ comment you'd post on other Social Media sites warrants an article here. Be selective.

The approach in action

Here is my Steemit response to a YouTube video I watched earlier today:

Here is the comment I left on Youtube:

I added the PS blurb as I know that Dwyer also vlogs about Crypto. It may not always be appropriate to plug Steemit so overtly on other platforms. I'll leave that to you to decide.

I hope you find this resourceful!


Pushing Steemit on social media is a great approach. introducing people to it one on one is the best.
Almost all the big earners on youtube have a blog to talk about their video releases, I think they would be excited to post on steemit and get paid for it. That will also bring around their followers.

This is great, expands what I was writing about yesterday.

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