Benefits and Benefits of Starfruit Acid for Health

in #drug6 years ago

Hello steemit friends

 Cultivation of Farmers. The general description of the starfruit plant is as follows. Carambola acid. Averhoa bilimbi. can grow well in open places that have a height of less than 500 meters above sea level. In their home country, these plants grow well in the tropics and in Indonesia are kept in the yard or sometimes grow wildly in the fields or forest edges. This plant can reach more than 10 meters high and has a hard stem. There are two varieties of acid starfruit plants that produce green and light yellow or often are considered white. The stem does not have many branches, the leaves are finned even. Its small flowers hang red or purple with long and hollowed berries. The flesh contains a lot of acidic water.

Local Name: Belimbing Asam (Indonesia), Calincing (sunda) ,; Blimbing wuluh (Java), Bhalimbing fur (Madura) ,; Blimbing reed (Bali), Selimeng (Aceh), Balimbing (Lampung); Balimbeng (Flores), Celane (Bugis), Takurela (Ambon); Curable Disease: Cough, Cough, Rheumatism, Sprue, Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus; Fever, Inflammation of the intestinal axis, Eliminating acne; Utilization: 1. Cough a. Ingredients: 1 handful of starfruit tamarind flowers and 1 piece of brown sugar How to make: boiled together with 1 cup water to boiling to ½ cup. How to use: drink in the morning and afternoon on a regular basis. b. Ingredients: leaves, flowers and star fruit sugars plus sugar red and fennel pulawaras How to Make: boiled together with 1 cup water to boiling down to ½ cup. How to use: drink in the morning and afternoon on a regular basis 2. Whip Ingredients: 10 leaves of starfruit sour and 4 onion cloves How to make: pounded together until smooth How to use: to bobok and drugs outside 3. Gout a. Material: 1 handful of starfruit leaves plus betel leaves How to make: finely ground together How to use: rubbed as param b. Material: 4 handheld leaves star fruit How to make: finely ground How to use: used for rubbing parts waist 4. Sprue Ingredients: 11 starfruit starch flowers, tamarind and brown sugar How to make: boiled together with 2 glasses of water up boiling down to 1 cup How to use: drink in the morning and afternoon 5. Hypertension Ingredients: 3 fruit starfruit, ½ bunch basil leaf How to make: boiled together with 2 cups water to boiling up to ½ cup, then filtered for water,
How to use: drunk before bed and repeated 3 days once 6. Diabetes mellitus, fever and inflammation of the intestinal axis Material: 3 handful of starfruit leaves acid How to make: boiled with 1 liter of water to boiling, then filtered for water How to use: drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon 7. Eliminate Acne Ingredients: 3 fruit belimbing acid and salt to taste How to make: star fruit then shredded second ingredients are mixed until evenly distributed How to use: used as a powder on the face the acne Composition: CHEMICAL CONTENT: Acidic star fruit contains elemental chemical content called oxalic acid and potassium. In addition, the starfruit leaves contain extracts to fight staphylococus. Similarly article Benefits and Benefits of Belimbing Acid For Health, may be useful.


hello robot maybe our brother just know can not copy for sure. scold him if wrong. thank you

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