The Bond of a Mother and a Child

in #children4 years ago

The most special relation on this planet is the relation of Mother and Child. Few Days back was Mother's day, I am not sure if worldwide it is the same day but in India it is celebrated on 10th May. Sadly on Mother's day both me and my son were down with food poisoning. The previous night we ordered some food from outside and then we both landed up with a terrible infection. It took us 4 days to recover and completely drained out.

I was going through FB, Insta and I was seeing loads and loads of messages of children putting up pictures with their Moms. I sometimes find it little silly when children overflow their social media status with pictures of their mother and the messages, but then sometimes I feel it is such a sweet gesture also. The most hilarious part is when the Mother is not following any of these social media sites, so who are these pictures and status being put up for. Anyways that's not what I really want to write about.

This Mother's day I felt a little sad, every year I send a Cake, Bouquet and a Special gift for my Mom to surprise her but this year I could not because of the lockdown. After this whoe thing is over, I do have a plan to surprise her with something special.

I believe that this is one relation which is filled with utmost honesty, compassion and goodness. Mother's love is the most unconditional one with no strings attached and specially when Children reciprocate, it is all the more a beautiful feeling.
My Son when he hugs me I feel like the whole of this universe is warmly giving me a hug. He is not very good at expressing and he tells me that openly, but still he amazes me and surprises me with his unexpected gestures.

A very cute incident that I will share today with you all. Around 2 Months back on one night, he suddenly comes at 3 A.M. and gives me a tight hug and wakes me up. For a second I got very scared because at that hour if someone wakes you up means there is something that may have happened. Then he says Mom I Love you very much and I was like ok, I also Love you very much and gave him a tight hugh, and then he was like, No you don't know but I Love you a lot and you are the most important person for me and you mean a lot to me, and he had very loving words pouring in for me in a very emotional way.
I was feeling a little funny also, first of all he woke me up from deep sleep, and then his emotional words at 3 A.M.

Then he said, I am not able to express it every time, but I just want to let you know that you mean everything to me.
I was filled with so much pride at that moment. My Son is a grown up boy and it is not very usual for children at that age to be so emotional and expressive towards their parents.

And this is what I like about him, that he makes me feel special, he is so compassionate about our relation and values it so much. I feel lucky to be a Mother of such a wonderful and caring soul.

Life becomes beautiful with these little gestures and I know my Life is very beautiful just because of him. My hubby always tells me that I over pamper him, but then that's what all the Mother's do with their Children.

Sharing some pictures with my Son in his growing up.

My Pride

No matter how old he gets, he will always be my little boy

He was a DJ for couple of years, it was his passion, now he does not do it anymore, but he was very good at it and earned lot of fame at a very young age. There were many times when he used to be DJing in clubs and I would attend his parties with my friends

From Childhood he has been a sensitive child and always caring. When I use to go for my service work, he would always want to join me.

On one of our holidays, so cute. I adore this picture.

A very proud moment for me, because of his achievements I was called to be a chief guest on his School Annual day and I presented him with a certificate for his achievements. He has always made me very proud.

This was on his first birthday, where he ate Chinese food for the first time. I juts gave him a little taste and he must have liked it so much that he wanted more and more, and till date he is very fond of Chinese food....we still make fun of him of how greedy he behaved.

Yet another one sweet gesture from him

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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I am so happy to know about your bind with your son, he is really sweet waking you up in the middle of your sleep at 3:00 AM LOL, that is something.

For me with the time I spent with my mother due to my illness will really affect me so much if it would happen that she will not be around anymore. So I ask God to take me first because it will be so sad and so difficult for me if I would not have the emotional support that my parents are giving me @nainaztengra
I just hate my condition because I am dependent now to other people due to my disability but I have to stay strong and keep up with my fight because I have to survive and that is the right thing to do.
May God bless your family :)

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