Church of Sagrada Familia

in #engineering7 years ago

The Sagrada Familia is one of the most beautiful buildings in Barcelona. It is a masterpiece designed by the famous architect Antonio Gaudi, who dedicated 15 years of his life to its construction, which has been under construction since 1882 and is estimated to be in its final form after 30 years. The church includes three main facades: the facade of the cradle in the east, the facade of pain in the west and the facade of glory in the south

The Church of Sagrada Familia is a large Roman Catholic church in Barcelona. Church is not yet complete. It is classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for UNESCO.

The construction of the Sagrada Familia church began in 1882. Antonio Gaudi intervened in the construction process in 1883. He took the construction project into architectural and engineering style. Which combined gothic and modern art forms curved. The engineer devoted the last years of his life to the project. Until his death at the age of 73 years 1926. A quarter of the project was completed. The construction process progressed slowly. Where it relies on private donations and was halted by Spanish civil war. Construction resumed intermittently in 1950. The construction process was halved in 2010, and the project still faces major challenges. The church is expected to be completed in 2026, the centenary of Gaudi's death.

The site of the church in Barcelona The building of the Sagrada Familia schools is a school designed by Gaudi in 1909 for the children of construction workers. Since 2002, the building has also hosted an exhibition of art by Antonio Gaudi in Barcelona.

The Sagrada Familia church is inspired by the bookseller Jose Maria Bocabella. He is the founder of the spiritual association of St San José lovers. After a visit to the Vatican in 1872, Bocabella returned from Italy with the idea of ​​building a church inspired by Loreto. The process of building the church's church basement began on March 19, 1882, to be completed in March 1883. Gaudi Antonio began the process of building the church in 1883 and was appointed director of architecture in 1884.


At the time of Gaudi's death, construction was between 15 and 25 per cent. It is entrusted with the management of the construction Dominique Sugarini Sinras. Which was interrupted by the civil war of 1936. Several Gadud models and workshops were destroyed during the war. Since 1940, architects Francisc Kintara, Giesser Puig Bouda, Louis Bonetti Garry and Francisk Kardunar have been completing construction work.

The Middle Tiles were completed in 2000 and since then the works have continued in the cellars of the massacres and the mihrab. Since 2006, emphasis has been placed on strengthening the cross and the main tower of Jesus Christ as well as the southern side of the central dish, which will become the facade of glory.

Recently, the architects of the completion of the construction of the church have angered the construction of a high-speed railway tunnel planned for Barcelona. Which is expected to pass near the main façade of the church. Most engineers have confirmed that there are no guarantees that the tunnel will not affect the church. While the Spanish Ministry of Works says the project will not affect the largest church in Europe.

The Church is one of the best known landmarks in terms of Catalan modernity and is an inseparable teacher of Barcelona. According to tourist statistics for 2004, Sagrada Familia is the most visited in Spain, not just in Barcelona. It had surpassed the Alhambra Palace in Granada and the Prado Museum in Madrid. In 2008, it brought in more than 2.7 million visitors. In 2005 the UNESCO World Heritage of Humanity was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The church opens every weekday, from 9 am to 6 pm from November to February. And from 9 am to 8 pm from April to September. And from 9 am to 7 pm from October to March. The church opens on 25 and 26 December and on 1 January and 6 January from 9 am to 2 pm.

To go to the Sagrada Familia church, you can head across the metro to the Sagrada Familia station, which is headed by the L5 and L2 metro lines. It can also be reached by public transport buses 19, 33, 34, 43, 44, 50, 51, 20 and 24.

The cost of admission to the church is € 19.50 with a guide or audio guide and 24 euros to enter the church and the towers with a guide. And 19.50 euros to enter the church and the towers. Entrance to the church alone is 15 euros and admission to the museum of Dar Gaudi is 5.50 euros.

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