Napoléon in letters - The Man behind the Myth, The End

in #history7 years ago

After he has been in exile on Elba, Napoléon came back from the dead, for one last gasp of the hull before the ship would for ever sink into the sea. This is called the 100 day regency. This little flight of fancy was over pretty quick.
He had to surrender.


The beginning of the final chapter shows this letter:

To the Prince Regent of England, 14. July 1815 (George IV, George Augustus Frederick, he preferred to go by the title "The first gentleman of England", he celebrated an extravagant lifestyle, liked to wear fashionable robes and was henceforth busy remodeling one of his castles. Obviously, he was a useless scumbag. And from now on, the keeper of the lionsgate.)

Royal Majesty,
surrendered to the parties who have split my Nation, and delivered to the enmity of the European powers, I have ended my political career and come, like Themistokles, to seek refuge in the land of the British people!
I come to be under the protection of your laws, and ask your Royal Majesty as the mightiest, most consistent and noble of my enemies, to grant me this request.

He refers to Themistokles, who also sought refuge.
Themistokles lived around 500 B.C and was a Greek General and man of the state in Athen. At that time Alexander I was the ruler of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia, and that was about 100 years before the coming of Alexander the Great who was also a born Macedonian.
Thermistokles became arrogant by all his victories in battles and finally he would alienate his own people, the Athenians, and then he made a big mistake, he pissed off the Spartans and that did not end well for him. He had to flee and ended up in the service of the Persian King, where he became a governor of Magnesia, a city on the west coast of Turkey.

So, Napoléon asks the English for refuge.
The English did indeed get him on board of their ship. But, as the next letter shows, their intentions were not as he thought.

To Admiral Keith, Oberbefehlshaber of the fleet of the Sea of Brittany, 31. July 1815

On Board of the Bellerophon

Milord, I have read the excerpt of the letter that has been sent to me by you and I am hereby letting you know about my protestation.
I am by no means a war prisoner, but the guest of England.

On the sea, on board of the Bellerophon, on 4. August 1815, he wrote an official protestation about the fact that they tricked him into entering the ship as a guest, when they in fact had the intention all along, to sent him off as a war prisoner to St. Helena, a British Island in the Atlantic ocean, about 3000 km from Brasil and 2000 km from Angola, Africa. He lost his title Emperor Napoléon and was henceforth General Bonaparte. He was appalled by this whole procedure the English would put him through and he was mostly disappointed of their dishonorable behavior.
And even in this absolutely miserable and degrading situation, he did not lose his pride and his spirit could not be broken, as he mentions this in a side note of a letter from 25. July 1817:

You believed, to use this opportunity to cause me pain and give me a moral stab in the back, but you have badly calculated the greatness of the Emperor, which has led him to the tragedy, the injustice, the persecution and behavior of your government! On his head rests more than the crown of the Emperor: the Crown of Thornes!
To erase the shine of this crown, does not lie in your power, nor in the power of people of your kind!
By the abdication Napoléon might lose the title Emperor of the French, but the title Emperor Napoléon is immortal!

If you like to dive deeper into the matter, like to know what his last years on St. Helena looked like and enjoy watching a slightly crazy woman drinking, smoking and talking about Napoléon, this video is for you! Cheers!


Auf dem Portrait schaut er irgendwie wie ein verzogener kleiner Bubi aus. (:

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