Telos Blockchain - Crypto Academy / S4W2 - Homework post for pelon53.

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone
It's been a whole lot of a week hope we are all fairing well?. We are on the second week of the Steem crypto academy of the season with a great topic from our prof @pelon53 title “ Telos Blockchain ” where I will be proving answers for the questions from the lesson. So let's begin

1.- What is your opinion about Telos Blockchain? What do you hope will happen to the Tlos token? Justify your answer.

Telos Blockchain

Telos Blockchain is a web 3.0 blockchain that is build to power the economy of the future and improve human potential. This blockchain is running on the EOSIO software where it's solving problems of scalability and transaction speed of other blockchains such as Bitcoin, EOS, Ethereum, etc and also making its transactions fearless. This Telos Blockchain was built in December 2018 powering the economy and improving human potential by providing solutions to global issues.

Telos Blockchain being the third-generation blockchain, supports Social Media, NFT, DApp, Defi games and more with its block creating ability being one of the best being able to create a block as fast as in 0.5 seconds.

With Telos blockchain being a decentralized system, the block producers which are the users of the network authorize, verify and audit the transactions of the blockchain. By avoiding the monopoly of the crypto whales, telos blockchain's tokens are shared fairly among nodes making sure no account has more than 40,000Tlos in an account. With the telos developers being able to adapt and test the telos EVM on the telos testnet thereby allowing them the developers to run projects with very little or no fee transaction fee thereby integrating the Telos blockchain.

Telos Token (Tlos)

The Tlos being the native token of the Telos blockchain is used for a number of different purposes such as buying, selling, swapping and also use for voting. Tlos is expected to reach a dollar (1$) probable soon this is because of the number of smart contracts and DApps being present on the telos blockchain with the EVM accepting Ethereum DApps to run on the blockchain with Tlos as gas fee which will lead to its publicity and market acceptance.

The detail about the token market properties at my time of doing this assignment is as follows:
Tlos current price is $0.8408 and it has a daily trading volume of $4,562,554 with its market cap at $229,396,928 and a circulating supply of 270,123,443.84 TLOS.

Screenshot from Coin Market Cap

2.- Using the telos tracker block explorer, take a screenshot of the last irreversible block at the time of performing your task and detail the BP and the date.

Last irreversible block

The last irreversible block on Telos Block Explorer Tracker is Block 173863856 as of the time of my writing, and the Block Producer is telosuknodes.

screenshot source

Block producer telosuknodes has 73,402.0866 Tlos and has 1344.4443 TLOS tokens staked on the Telos blockchain.

screenshot source

3.- Check in the 3 block explorers, the blocks: 15,007,389 and 171,790,000, show the BP and the date of those blocks. Screenshots required.

The three explorers that i will be using to verify the blocks 15,007,389 and 171,790,000 requested are:




Telos Tracker

Block 15007389

We follow the telos tracker link as ascribed above to verify this 15007389

After entering the block and the search button clicked the blocks opens up showing their details.

######## Details
Block number: 15007389
Block producer BP: octagontelos
Date: 2019/ 03/ 10 T17:56:52.500
Producer signature: SIG_K1_KYzHeBvtcoMQQXf6LNyZzNQghw5mjtkRMmpmeswRCCr9TRgXThLa9pMjG4z59rMrJGx4D84RCupeBosA4L6ka6Fr9Rt2M1

Block 171,790,000

We follow the telos tracker link indicated above to verify this 171790000

Then you search a get it's details

######## Details
Block number: 171790000
Block producer BP: teloskitchen
Date: 2021/ 09/ 05 T01:30:15.000
Producer signature: SIG_K1_KWiZrzjeLk3pJGm51WXkXd46wjibGNRgSrxniAZug4bmvb9F6K7w2DCkQwjA1FKHpwXZ1QoGmUYTKyw5AsTymAzPPeDTMS

Telos bloks

Block 15,007,389

We follow the telos books link as given above to verify the block 15,007,389

When the block id has entered the site indicated that the account was invalid as seen below

Block 171,790,000

Using the same procedure we follow the telos Bloks link indicated above to verify this 171790000

Then you search a get its details

######## Details
Block number: 171790000
Block producer BP: octagontelos
Date: Mar-10-2019, 01:56:52 PM HDV
BLock ID: 0a3d4eb028bdf79864d0774636fa986847d4a58bf569491d2e62f88591262623

Telos EOSX

Block 15,007,389

We follow the telos EOSX link above tells.eosx to verify the block 15,007,389

When i clicked on the search button nothing appear the page just kept loading as seen below

Block 171,790,000

Using the same procedure we follow the telos EOSX link indicated above to verify this 171790000

When the block is was entered it keep on loading and finally didn't open

4.- In the Telos swap demo platform, click here. Connect the wallet to Metamask. Then Transfer 20 Tlos to Fiat. And determine the gas you consumed. Then make the 100,000 Fiat to Soon transaction, and determine the gas consumed. Show the screenshots of the whole process that you ran. Was the gas consumption excessive in both cases? Explain?

With an already existing Metamask wallet, we link the demo link for the telos finance to proceed with that task.
telos finance demo link.

To connect your Metamask wallet click on the telos demo link and when it opens, on the top right corner of the homepage is the option connect wallet. After you click on it the next page will open with a suggestion of Metamask which you will choose then confirm the Metamask account and click next by granting permission to access the Matemask and when that is done, our wallet is connected.

Linking of wallet on Test demoswap

Choosing Metamask Wallet

Confirmation for linking Wallet

Wallet linked successfully

Confirmation of a linked wallet

When the wallet is linked then we get the testnet EVM telos by connecting the Metamask and then click on the Get Testnet EVM Telos after doing that, a notification will pop up confirming that the Testnet EVM Telos was sent successfully after which you can check in your Metamask wallet.

Requiring for Testnet EVM Tlos

Confirmation of sent Testnet EVM Tlos

Now to demo swap 20Tlos to FIAT, we open the DemoSwap and a swap option will pop up with one pair already selected in this case which is the Tlos set as default then we search our desired token pair which is in our case FAIT then enter the amount of Tlos which you require to swap 20 Tlos after inserting I got 7105730FAIT. I then confirmed the entries and proceeded with the swap and as swift, the swapping process was completed.

Click on Test demoswap

Filling in the amount to be swapped

Successful swap on Metamask

Swap successful on demoswap

Confirmation of a transaction on Test demoswap

Now swapping after completing the swap from Tlos to FAIT and required by the question, we move on to swapping 100000FAIT to SOON. When the swap option is selected, it's gonna open up with Tlos as default now choose FAIT as one of the swapping pairs and move then and select SOON as the other. The amount required to be swap is 100000FAIT after entering the amount I got was 0.81998SOON for the 100000FAIT. I was asked to enable FAIT after enabling, and confirmed it on Metamask the I clicked on the swap button and confirmed the swap after confirming the transaction I got a confirmation from Metamask and the process of swapping was completed.

Click on Test demoswap

FAIT approved on Metamask

Confirmation and Swap on Test demoswap screenshot

Confirm swap on Test demoswap

Confirming the swap from FAIT to SOON on Metamask

Adding SOON to my wallet

After the transaction was confirmed, I open up my Metamask wallet and I had

  • 109.9251 Tlos
  • 31576125.851 FAIT and
  • 3.279 SOON
    As seen on the screenshot below

My Metamask Wallet

For the swapping, some gas fee was paid and for the swapping of Tlos to FAIT, a gas fee of 0.07678 Tlos was paid and for the swapping of the FAIT to SOON a gas fee of 0.1034 Tlos was charged. All this information can be seen in the screenshots above. So it can be seen that the Telos blockchain has a very low transaction charge with an extra charge that was placed on the enabling of swapping my FAIT to SOON thereby making these two transactions charges of 3 and still yet was less than a dollar that's quite impressive. As low as the fees are I find this blockchain very efficient and accessible by all.


Firstly, I will like to thank the professor for such an awesome topic about Telos Blockchain with the blockchain great aims and its success in the future with its fast transaction speed and very low network fee we are looking at a great success ahead.

CC : @pelon53


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62964.22
ETH 2595.61
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.74