
in #notes7 years ago

I got married a while ago
My first night in my new home, leaving my father's house.
New people ... new face
Marriage is just 12 days before. Hutahat got married. They suggested that the marriage was like marriage. That means, my marriage is an arranged marriage ... I did not have time to talk to a couple before talking to a married woman ...

Shortly before, my grandfather and ifty meant that my husband's future was left in my room. I said so heavy heavy jewelery and sari. Someone came in the house thinking I was in the house.
Iftie entered the house and said the first thing

Oh, are you still wearing sari jewelery? Why is there no fries?

-Will be awake now.

Well, do not listen to me. I will be frozen before or you will be fresh before?

The bathroom attached to the house ... the new woman I am so shy, what did I answer or answer?

-You go.

-Abay you?

It'll take a little while.

-hahahah okay Take time ... I'll be fresh to open you open the jewelry.

  • Well.

Ifty entered the bathroom from the friction.
I was very boring ...
Ifty came out with fries and said out

-Also get to sleep early in the morning and get to sleep in the morning.

I went to the bathroom with Taul's hand. Tomorrow we have to get up in the morning because our journey to Cox's Bazar will start in the morning .. I will go ifi ifi. After going to marry husband with honey, honeymoon says .. I will go to honeymoon and tomorrow. But why Cox's Bazar?
I have a lot of memory in this Cox's Bazar ....

A lot of big sneezing and I became frozen. Sari's stolen jewelery is now very much peaceful.
I turned out to see iftie our bag. I and I helped him bag the bag. Iftie is very lively this thing is my favorite. I laughed laughing loudly and at the time I was free with him, so while he was packing the bag he wanted to make me normal by speaking a lot of laughter. After all the work was finished, ifty took hold of my hand

  • It's normal to have a bad day today. You sleep today We'll be walking around tomorrow. If you do not feel like sleeping you feel bad.

  • Right now.

We fell asleep I felt a little ashamed ... Ifty came to sleep with my hand in my stomach. I was really ashamed. Suddenly Ietty asked ifty

  • If we are going to go to Cox, why are we?

-The reason why the sea is beautiful Did not you go


-Now do you want to go now? Do not you like the sea?

But there was an incident in there, so I ...

-Talk to hear this story tomorrow. Try to sleep now.

Ifty is blowing the hair on my head with a finger in my hair.
I could not understand when I fell asleep. I got up in the morning and opened my eyes and saw ifty was ready to bathe. I rushed. And he said

There is no hurry. You're gently frozen More than 2.5 hours after our bus ..

Nevertheless, I should have arisen before.

Runs out of the bathroom after bathing and bathing in the bathroom, all the elegant eyes on my wet hair ...
The emotions come to the ears by the tragedy
Asked "Did you wake up or wake up all night?"

I look like a bikchela towards them. We know what we actually did all night. Nevertheless, I used to eat breakfast with some sort of laughing words. All of my in-law's family came forward to help us. The bus left on time The whole road ifty tried to free me a lot of stories. In the words, you are transformed into words. In this I asked him

If you have ever been in love with someone?

-Hum has been there

Where are you now?

Sitting next to me. Ahahahahah

-Ahaha Siriusle

-I'm serious. Have you been

-Haun has been there.



Well, there is no discussion about what you do not know.

We did not talk about that again.

When I got down from the bus, going to the hotel, I would be fresh, while ifty gave a packet in my hand.

-Gift bassara night wanted to give it. But if you give it today, you will love it so today. You're fresh I'm a little away from the outside.

Iftati went out and started out.
As soon as I got out of the room, I got busy packing the packets.

There are a lot of paper wrapping in a packet. One small note.
I take the notes in my hand and my eyes are pouring water .........
With weeping chicks and chicks.

The pen ink is spreading after my tears.
The writing is going deeper "yes love"

I was sitting on the floor and still crying in chest.

5 months ago
I came to visit my younger brother Cox's Bazar and my father. For 12 days I came for the first time ......
I was very happy. The sea was so beautiful I did not know.
We got out of the hotel and went out of the hotel. In one room, I and my younger brother in another room, Dad Mom
When I returned to the beach the first day, I was tired of the evening, I lost my eyes and I slept. Sleep without going to the room without saying anything. There is nothing to eat at night. When the sleep broke, at around 3 o'clock in the clock.
When I got up from sleep I saw Sayem my younger brother. Hungry I could not find anything. I dare. I went to the hotel canteen alone and found that it was open 24 hours. Sit down and sit down to eat. The restaurant was just near the sea. I was sitting where I was sitting and the sea of ​​the night was going to be seen. During eating, I heard the sound of the song coming from the sea "I will star in stars ... you are my"
A group of boys sing In this way, the ocean's roar songs are in the sky and the food in front of them. Singing great songs. Singing one after another ... do not want to go with them, sing or sing beside them. There were not seen in the dark, or how many there are. After eating, I tried to see him standing in the railing of Belkuni, though failing, after a while I stopped watching their songs and they were leaving. I do not have the courage to go down too many nights. New places do not know anything. But the song stopped and my mind went bad.
I fell asleep in the room.
In the morning I woke up all of a sudden. When I came out of the room to call my father, I saw a note writing on the door
"What did you come across so close to the railing, or did you hear the song? For a while, I suddenly got scared of looking at your hotel and you looked very tall in long hair, but I was feeling hungry in long hair, but I knew that your name was Tanu. I would have given your name thirteen if someone kept your name, but there is a thirst for you. Arandara lol. "

I ran out of the room and did not find anyone to find out. I can not ask anybody. What do you ask
After a while I went to breakfast with my parents and Sayem. After the breakfast, I went to the beach. Around the song, singing in the night, some of the sons of the night sang singing. Around the whole evening, I went to the hotel late in the evening and saw another note on the door.
I ran before Sayam and hid the paper from the door.
That day was written

"I saw you in the light of the day, you are very beautiful, how are the beech people looking at you again and again, was very angry.

He is watching me at that level. Follow me I do not know how much a man has noticed me in this way, but I could not figure it out. After somehow everyone was asleep I wrote a note

"Who did you see me but I have not seen you singing tonight, and how do I get you?"

By putting them on the door.
Then at 12 o'clock in the clock. I got up twice and noticed that the note is the same as the place. Nobody took it.
Got upset 3 times saw a new note

"Listen to what girl will find me, do not worry about going out of the hotel for so many night, if you want to listen to the song, stay where you are sitting yesterday, but do not go to the railing so much.

I slowly opened the room gate and went out. Sayem Bevor Sleep At the restaurant, we went to the coffee room and beside the Belkuni. They are sitting near a restaurant today. Today the song is heard more clearly than yesterday. When I went, I got a song of my choice. There were so many beautiful songs "I'm not worried today" till the early morning .. They were going out. I saw them in the dark from 6/07 people. Is that boy singing there?
I went to the room and wrote another note
"Which of them are you singing? What song are you in? Which hotel are you in?"

When I got stuck on the door, I looked down at the door and thought I would wake up today and see if I could get shade under the door. But I did not get it. I got up early in the morning and saw my note and not new
No notes or no. I found it to be unstable, but I did not find it. Maybe someone else took it off. Maybe he has not been able to fly in the air. When I got home, I saw a new note below the door.

"This girl has a note on the door with a gum of tip, madly, I got your note on the stairs, if I lost it, I would have to wear it with a good glue, and listen to it tonight, you will get sick."

I'm taking a note with a hand, I'm shaking, I'm laughing. The strange feeling. Thus, under the eyes of everyone's eyes, love was born in small notebooks a little bit.

If someone looked at me in front of my father, I would have thought that this boy I was sleeping every night waiting for the song and that song. The people of the restaurant laughing at me every day. They may also be
Understand that love is going to be. They used to go every night after listening to the song and I would write in the room by writing a note and entering the door.
Write one day
"I do not know your name nor you know at least my name, I do not even know the name nor do you know it, it did not get much injustice."

It came in the morning

"You can call me a lover." I know that in this age, I say a little crazy to the girls who love to write letters and who are uncomfortable waiting for a letter, call them crazy "

I used to remember laughing laughing Romance takes romance all around.

The next day I wrote the note

"Dear boyfriend, I noticed that I am neither troubled nor you seem to be my memorabilia."

In the middle of the night, I received the note

"I feel as if I'm falling in love, today I've seen you two hands far away, your hair was scary, smell of strange scent drunk"

I slept with that note in my hand and fell asleep on that day.
It was time to go ... just before the day.

I went after the thought of how I got him. Write the note at night

"Boyfriend will be gone tomorrow, how can I get you? I do not know anything about your phone number, where will I get you?"

I was not getting that day After clocking at 1.30 o'clock .. after his daily reply I sing songs in the restaurant

Let's hear
Today there is no answer yet. At 2 o'clock in the clock. I do not have the courage to go out of the hotel today. The 6/7 songs that I used to sing were more amazed at me. I do not understand what I will ask. Because I do not even know the name. Then I sat down to ask
Who has left me a note every day?

Everyone looked at each other's face and refused to deny. Nobody has done this.
I was crying
Does anyone like this kind of emotion? I refused a lot despite the request. I went to the hotel to cry. Somebody called me and did not give me time to come.

I wrote the last note.
"I'm going in the morning, you deny me, you just have fun with my emotions, you do not know what the name is, but I fell in love with your friend, I do not understand how much love was waiting for a note every night. It was just fun, I had love for him, yes I love you. I have to return with great trouble.

I could not sleep all night long.
Open the door in the morning and get a new note.

"Take care of yourself, if you do not care, do not forgive me, you will not have to suffer, you will not have to cry, you do not agree, this is the last note of your boyfriend, and I have loved you too.

I cried just like that day crying today. After a long time in Dhaka, I was very upset.
Until I got married, I have waited till someone has kept a note in my door

  • "Miss me crazy?"

Nobody has ever given a note.

Today I have never expected this gift to be given iftar. All these notes are written in my hand.

Another note with all the notes
Which is written in

  • On the first day you were listening to songs on the first day of the restaurant, you were so busy with the sound of the song and the sea, I did not notice that I was sitting on your side table, I would not have slept if the place changed. So I woke up at night to hear their songs like you. But I fell in love to see you every day. I fell in love with your eyes, your hair, your beaches and everything in the sea with the waves. I also came with my family in the same hotel but you never noticed. They knew your words. When you were crying the way you once thought you came in front of you. After you went to Dhaka, I came to know about your test. Immediately after the end of the exam, you gave your marriage proposal. And marriage after 12 days. The 12 days that you told me you loved me. Do you love me as a husband in 12 days? Maybe not. I found you in this Cox's Bazar. So I wanted to get you here, because you have had the right to have you, but you did not want to do anything except sleeping. I wanted you to touch me in love. Stay in your first touch after a long time, the pleasure of finding lost people. Invoke me like you cry, just as you are now crying and crying. I said it was the last note given to your lover and it was the first note given by your husband.
    Today if someone would have given me your name, I would have kept your name "bau". I'm waiting for you at the restaurant. Come on fast. "

I ran away empty-eyed and ran in the restaurant. Just a two-minute road from our hotel ... I could say everyone in the street was crazy to run like this. Did not notice At the restaurant, I saw the wax arranged in the entire restaurant. The light music and my husband Ifty are standing in the railing of Belkuni. How did I stand?

As soon as I walked slowly, I said

"The scent of your scent is crazy."
I grabbed him from behind, from behind. Iftie said

  • You do not have to be scared to take your scent today. You are my wife

I hugged iftie and wept as a haute cunt. This guy loved not knowing why I had lost it again today. For lifetime.

I was crying and saying
I love you. Love much more Why did you leave I know who you are or who are you? I have waited till the wedding, why did not you come? Why trouble in this way?

I was forced to do so, but later I thought I would love you that way. I love you too. Much more I can sing but I can sing. Listen to

-I got you after that day. I'll stay in your chest. The song does not take anything to tangle.

-Hahahah ..

On that day, I felt as the happiest married woman in the world. Maybe no romantic honeymoon could be any more than me.

Living at the end of all the stories of love.

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