Tales of weird people in the support line Part 2

in #mytechlife60513 years ago

Tales of weird people in the support line Part 2

Summary of Post

For example, your phone line could have interferences or your connection cable to your phone might be too old to insulate the sign-

OL: everything's new! But I could never say the words, cause she right away said:

OL: ....and I really want to ask you to stop monotoring my phone

me (confused): I am sorry? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/mswr4d/tales_of_weird_people_in_the_support_line_part_1/)

other stories can be found here (the apple of Kevina) and here (Customer failed to reboot)

Sooo, up to the many stories I am able to share. Cause if you thought that old lady was weird.....

the first one is about a guy from the Ukraine. We went through the usual check ups and I sent him a technician, with the extra note they check closly and for everything out of ordinary. The last one we sent over was instructed to check thoroughly, since the customer was offering to take on the whole cost of it. And I just worked a bit more than 2 years at this place....

So, I decided to pick 2 stories (as always, a bit longer), that are kinda linked.

you can find part one here.

other stories can be found here (the apple of Kevina) and here (Customer failed to reboot)

Sooo, up to the many stories I am able to share. And I just worked a bit more than 2 years at this place....

So, I decided to pick 2 stories (as always, a bit longer), that are kinda linked. I said kinda, cause it's 2 different incidents by 2 person and only one is myself. but trust me, one thing connects the other. And the second is.....kinda creepy, I suppose. I might later tell some stories of other stuff I heard of, that are also ridiculous.

Anyway, here we go:

As always, not 1:1 talk, rather the gust of it. cast: me= me and OL = Old Lady

This is actually the bonus story, lol.

one probably busy day (can't remember), I get this call. It was a nice old Lady that informed me she's having cracks and noises in her stationary phone while talking. both parties could here it.

Now, stationary phones exist in a wild range, just like the issues that can influence them. I just wanted to tell that lady everything's going to be fine and either I figure a way out to help her during the call or I am having her line checked by an technician.

But I could never say the words, cause she right away said:

OL: ....and I really want to ask you to stop monotoring my phone

me (confused): I am sorry?

OL: you heard that. Stop spying on me.

me: Ma'm, there is no way we're doing that!

OL: I heard the cracks and noises while I am phoning! Don't try to fool me!

me: Ma'm, those noises have other reasons than spying your phoneline. For example, your phone line could have interferences or your connection cable to your phone might be too old to insulate the sign-

OL: everything's new!

me: then, when did you bought your phone?

OL: 10 years ago!

me: and when did you exchange the cable?

OL: 10 years ago when i got my new phone! it worked until you started to spy on me. I am just an old woman and I am living in a retirement home. Why can't you leave me alone?!

me: .......Ma'm, I can guarntee you, we are not spying on you. your cable is old and the insulation broke, which lets interferences in. It's like you're playing music on the radio and then set it on an old tv, with the tv turned on. the music on the radio will then accompanied by white noise, too.

OL: So you're saying you can't spy on me when I get a new cable?

me: ............(If I said "yes", I might have ended the call here and then, but I can't have me accusing my employer of spying on people and telling a lie....you know, getting fired and sued and stuff?) the noise most likely will stop.

OL: yes yes, but will you still spy on me?

me: Ma'm, we're your provider, not the STASI (secret service of the GDR)

this thing went back and fourth, while I realized she's probably in the early stages of Dementia. So I told her to proof we are not spying on her, I can send her a specialist to control her line on secret service spyware. But to make sure he can do his job properly, she's required to make a pre-check, so his identity is protected. She legit wrote down all the steps I require of my customers to check before I can send them a tech person for free. She told me she can't do that, cause she's old. I asked her if there is any person she trusts and to make that person go through with the list she just wrote down. I told her after the check to test if the phone works fine. if it does without further issues, she probably removed the component causing it. if not, to call again and request a tech.

Never heard of her again.

the next two stories are faster written out. not as amusing as the bonus, I guess, but still: hold your pants.

Cause if you thought that old lady was weird.....

the first one is about a guy from the Ukraine. he had a thicc, Russian dialect and spoke really, really quiet and seemed to be a bit nervous.

and oh boy, from his perspective there was an 100% reason to be.

you see, from what he told me, he flet the Ukraine cause he had some run ins with the authorities who did not agree to his opposition to them. and he was afraid they followed him to make sure they had one problem less. Now, what has a tech support agent to do with that? - you#re probably asking.

Well, he was convinced that he, just the old lady, had somebody listen into his calls. But this time it wasn't us, but the secret service of the Ukraine or Russia or whatever, I don't exactly remember. Anyway, he said he tried already EVERYTHING to had it checked. he said, he did open that box and found "something that doesn't belong there". I had him describe it and it turns out: it was the now out of service digital radio cable plug that was covered under the plastic of the cable box.

We went through the usual check ups and I sent him a technician, with the extra note they check closly and for everything out of ordinary. In case that customer messed up something or there is anything broken that's not instantly recognized. Mainly, I wanted this man's mind to be at ease, so I thought sending him somebody and have it seem like there was some extra check added would help him to calm down and relax.

I ended the call. And one of my co-workers who listened my side chimed in: "what was that about?"

I told her about the guy and she said: "You know, I once worked at another company in the same section. We had a man, who called in at least once a week over months and told everyone he was sure he got spied on by somebody. We all laughed it off as him being crazy. by the end of the year, several people were at his place and found nothing. The last one we sent over was instructed to check thoroughly, since the customer was offering to take on the whole cost of it. Guess what he found? his ajar neighbour broke into his connection and leeched off him."

I was baffled, to say the least! I suddenly felt bad, cause, you se, even if something is fairly unlikely, it's not impossible, is it?

So there was a small chance this guy DID get spied on. I sometimes wonder what the technician I sent found....

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