Apples are eaten in every home

Asslam o Alaikum

Hello to all respected members of this community ,I hope every one in good health ,


An apple is a fraut that is available all year round
and we use it all year round , Apples are different types in the world . Calcium is found in the apples .Fiber is found in the apples .Phosphorus is found in the apples .Apples is very nutritious food that cotains key elements for good health .Apples are used in Chat .We should make apples a very important part of our daily life ,it is a great blessing of Allah ,it is seen in stores all year round
people love to eat it ,its colour is red ,it looks so beautiful ,people buy it very interest ,because they give strength to body

Benefits of Apples:

1: Cotrol of Cholestrol

Apples are very useful for hot health
peoples who have cholestrol problem it is very important for them

2 :Control of Diabetics

Apples are very beneficial for diabetics ,it contains fiber which control sugar ,it takes a while to get empty ,which makes you less hungry
Eating apples will not raise your sugar

3 :Control of Blood Pressure

Peoples who eat apples. There blood pressure is under control
Peoples who eat apples ,will not raise blood pressure
Because it contains potassium
Peoples who eat apples ,they are less prone to deprassion,This is very important for the skin
Eating on an empty stomach is to much advantages
People who have scan problems
it is very beneficial for them,Because which contains soluble fiber

Prevent from Dhamma

Respiratory disease is found children and adults
Eating apples makes a big difference

Clean you Liver

Eating apples your liver are clean and strong
He will make a lot of cells

Healthy Brain

Eating apples your brain are strong and you feel active ,because it gain the energy of your brain ,it strengthen the bones

I hope that you have read this post with full devotion,if you like the post then definitely
tell in the comment

Special Thanks For All




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