The most touching film in china - 中国最感动人的一部电影

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Today, I want to introduce a Chinese film, This is the most touching movie I have ever seen. I only saw once in the cinema, do not want to see the second movie,The film's name is "Tangshan earthquake," said Tangshan, my first job in this Tangshan near,A long time ago, when I was here, I felt the aftershocks of the Tangshan earthquake.
May 12, 2008, Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province in China 8.0 earthquake occurred, more than 300,000 victims, when I heard that Tangshan earthquake on the film on the film, starring "Xu Fan", although that is a touching Cui tears Movies, or do not cry with the mentality to the cinema, a movie can let all the audience, I said is all, almost every touching tears.

The film is directed by director Feng Xiaogang. Describe the story of the magnitude 7.8 earthquake in 1976 in Tangshan

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The story of the most touching of several scenes

  1. a pair of children were pressed in the same piece of cement board, Two children can only save one,Mother chose to save his son.
  2. The mother does not know her daughter is still alive, every year go the same place burning of paper money
  3. When many years later, 8.0 earthquake occurred in Wenchuan County, Fonda met her own sister, take home, the mother knelt begging daughter forgive the scene
    There are many moving shots, if you are interested to recommend you to enjoy the Chinese film

There is also a song from Han Hong's "dawn", is also a touching song

According to the data provided by the China Seismological Network Center, earthquakes have been frequent in recent years. Our earth is in active age. According to the geographical distribution, according to the number of occurrences, the ten most provinces (regions) Tibet, Taiwan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Hebei and Guizhou

Although the world there are many touching films, except “Tangshan earthquake” which I have seen for the first time, never seen a second movie, Many thanks to Feng Xiaogang for the film, and many years later, I will watch it again

今天我要介绍一部中国的电影,我只在电影院看过一次,再不想看第二次的电影,这部电影的名称叫“唐山大地震", 说到中国唐山,我的第一个公司就在这唐山附近,在很早以前,我在这里工作的是候,就感受到了唐山地震的余震.
2008年5月12日, 在中国四川汶川县发生8.0级特大地震,遇难超过30万,当我听说唐山大地震这部电影上影,主演又是徐帆,虽然知道是一部感人崔泪的电影,还是抱着不流泪的心态去了电影院.


1 、一对龙凤胎儿女却压在了同一块水泥板下,面对只能救一个的艰难抉择母亲忍痛选择了儿子方达
2 、失独的母亲不知道自己的女儿还活着,每年在出事的地方烧纸钱
3、 当许多年后,汶川县发生8.0级特大地震,方达遇见自己的亲妹妹,带回家,母亲下跪恳求女儿原谅的场面

这里还有一首歌,来自韩红的 ”天亮了", 也是一首让人崔泪的歌曲



I should check it out.





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