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in #photography8 years ago

Just come back home, i would like write content share here, I join changhe company more than 10 years, In 2009 have the opportunity to go to Japan, I do not regret the my choice, to go Japan's my friends life not very good, now went to Shenzhen Development, our engine workshop there are more than 20 old employees, the work of the implementation of the three shifts, 8 hours, the work is easy,All automated,There are two long holidays a year,Also have time to travel,My interest is more, play, football, outdoor, friends are mostly male, the workshop is only 2 women, as a giant panda

刚刚下班,收拾好,写点内容,我进昌河公司应该是最早的,2009年有去日本发展的机会,我不后悔当初的选择,去日本的哥们现在也混得不太好,去了深圳发展,我们发动机车间老员工还有20多人, 工作实行的是三班制,8个小时,工作很轻松,体制内工作都是混,一年有两个很长的假期,也有时间出去转转, 我的兴趣比较多,打球,足球,户外,身边的朋友大都是男性,整个车间只有2位女性,当成大熊猫了

I come here will bring you into of Jingdezhen every street, art museum,The weekend I have time to take some photos to share here, so that friends around the world to see Jingdezhen,Why is call China's porcelain,In my workshop, many of my colleagues, friends and family are doing ceramic business and ceramics related work,in Jingdezhen, 10 people have 5 people working for the ceramics, Jingdezhen is an artist, the most talented place.

周末有时间我会去拍些照片分享到这里,让世界各地的朋友见识景德镇, 为什么叫中国的瓷都, 我车间里有许多同事,朋友和家人都是做陶瓷生意和陶瓷相关的工作. 这么说吧,在景德镇,10个人就有5个人在为陶瓷工作, 景德镇是艺术人才最多的地方, 我来这里以后会带你们走进景德镇的每一条街道,艺术馆,以及景德镇的一些特色的陶瓷艺术.


Hello @muzhu You are in Japan now?

I am not in Japan, Thanks

Welcome to Steemit

Very nice pics. Hope to see more. Follow me, im in china too.
Followed and upvoted

1st picture was a nice view. Welcome to the community.

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