5 shocking stories of TIME TRAVEL

At some point in our lives w must've asked ourselves  "is time travel real?"  (I include myself in that list) how many times any of us has done something so stupid or wrong that our first thought ist "if I could travel back in time I would..." I beleive many of us have been in that position, and yes maybe I can't guarantee that time travel is  completely real, but there seems to be some proof about it, maybe not hard evidence but enough to leave you with the benefit of the doubt, eough to get you into a whole lot of research about this topic. 

In my personal opinion I beleive that maybe we have already achieved time travel I mean maybe the goverment has, theres alot of stuff going on that the public doesn't even know about, its not a conspiracy theory but a fact, if such a discovery was made it wouldn't be given out to the public this easy, imagine what this achievement could be capable of doing in the wrong hands? however if humanity hasn't achieved time travel yet I don't beleive we are far from such a technology advance, I mean our  technology advances at a great exponential rate, its just a matter of time till we get there, if theories are correct once awe achieve speed to create a breach in the space time continuum we are able to create wormholes and that instantly means "TIME TRAVELL" but again this is only a theory.

share your opinions with us,  we would be really glad to hear them.

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