10% to japansteemit : Baby's appearance when wearing glasses and new clothes style

in Steem Japan3 years ago

10% to @japansteemit : Baby's appearance when wearing glasses and new clothes style


Hello friends, all of you meet again tonight, I hope you are always healthy and can carry out activities normally and smoothly.


Friends, the pictures above and below are pictures of my 8 month old baby wearing new clothes and new glasses to test his style and clothes so that he doesn't look different and more attractive.


Comrades and friends definitely want us to have an attractive appearance to ourselves as well as to us, brother, what's wrong with trying to wear new colored clothes for style, Hope your child is healthy and can continue to grow to be the best.

Thank you to all friends who support me in this post and see you next time. May all friends always be healthy and always successful.


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 3 years ago 

@muslinasofyan さん、こんにちは。
This post has been upvoted by @japansteemit

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